Discussion topic: no voicemail for emergency number

This message was authored by H-W This message was authored by: H-W

no voicemail for emergency number

Hi, I am part of an volunteer emergency telephone service (removed), whereby anyone in our village can dial a specific number in case of an emergency (think cardiac arrest). The phone of 10 volunteers start ringing and the first one who answered is on the hook and will help. Problem is that the call goes too quick to the voicemail.  It still works but it's not very good. So can I exclude a single number from going to voicemail? If I am not able to pick up there will be s.o. else who will step in.

Most likely this is an issue with many emergency ponders...





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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: no voicemail for emergency number

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You can change the time it rings before a call goes to voicemail here under "Voicemail greetings, settings and help".





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This message was authored by H-W This message was authored by: H-W

Re: no voicemail for emergency number

Thank you @caesarome 

That may reduce the problem a bit, so I will try it, but probably not a real solution for all the people involve.



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