Discussion topic: When on a call there is a delay

This message was authored by RedLisaK This message was authored by: RedLisaK

Re: When on a call there is a delay



Are there any updates on this as the problem is still happening?



This message was authored by RedLisaK This message was authored by: RedLisaK

Re: When on a call there is a delay

I'm still experiencing problems with this and the delay on calls  seems to be getting worse.


Is there any update on this?


This message was authored by Lynn751 This message was authored by: Lynn751

Re: When on a call there is a delay

@RedLisaK  I am still having problems too. I seem to get longer conversations but it still cuts out poor signal & delays  . I have gone back and forth ringing customer services put through to different people. This has been for months. The last time I spoke to a sky person on an unrelated topic they said it was logged that my phone had problems . It said try turning phone on and off again. Or airplane mode on and off and don't move from the spot I'm in. The airplane mode did seem to boost the signal when turning it on and off but you have to be quick coz it connects to the WiFi . So I put mobile data on it climbs a bit. We shouldn't have to be doing stuff like this just to use the phone. I don't know what to do myself anymore simply had enough. I keep pointing out the fact we are paying for a phone that we can't use. The bill stays the same & that's not fair . 

This message was authored by RedLisaK This message was authored by: RedLisaK

Re: When on a call there is a delay

@Lynn751  It's really annoying that no one seems to want to help resolve the issue.  I'm still using the same phone i had when on O2 and had no issues when with them. Issues have only started since switching to Sky.  To make matters worse, I only switched providers as Sky has a good deal for overseas roaming and I needed to make calls from the USA.  Just got back from the trip and I wasn't able to make one call.  I wasted several hours on chat with Sky only to have the chat ended every time as it was 5pm in the UK and the agent doesn't stay on the chat function after 5pm.  I was on a 5 hour time difference so had very little window of opportunity to access chat. Each time I re-entered the chat I had to start the conversation all over again.  I gave up in the end.  Wish I hadn't switched at all. 

I've just checked the Communications Ombudsman website and apparently Sky has 8 weeks to resolve the issue and if not resolved in that time you can raise a dispute with the ombudsman.  I think I'll do this once the 8 weeks is up. 

This message was authored by Lynn751 This message was authored by: Lynn751

Re: When on a call there is a delay

@RedLisaK Sorry I just wrote a long  reply to you and it says there was a invalid HTML ( I don't even know what that means) so wouldn't post it. I give up 


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