Discussion topic: Device plan cost

This message was authored by snowy+94 This message was authored by: snowy+94

Device plan cost

Why am I paying alot more for device plan the  I would if I got the phone now


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This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Device plan cost

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@snowy+94 wrote:

Why am I paying alot more for device plan the  I would if I got the phone now

It's not clear what you're asking.  But it seems you purchased a device and now they're offering it cheaper?

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own
This message was authored by 63johnw This message was authored by: 63johnw

Re: Device plan cost

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @snowy+94  probably because when you bought it it was a newer model, as other newer models come out then the price of older ones reduces. 



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