24 Jan 2025 05:40 PM
I have attempted to speak to Sky about this issue.
my phone has a fault the screen freezes and randomly won't work I have previously reported a couple months back about this issue they told me it was fine didn't need fixed .
gets to know same issues yes has been updated was fine .
They where not helpful and i couldn't get through to them on the phone so does anyone have a more direct number to call as over chat they where not helpful.
my phone is my only source of communication as I don't have a spare phone if I did I'd be happy to send it in as suggested but all they kept telling me to do was to buy a cheap phone and send mine in .
any advice would be helpful
24 Jan 2025 05:41 PM
Before anyone asks no I can't afford a spare phone via them or elsewhere
24 Jan 2025 05:44 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreHow old is the phone?
Legally, they are not obliged to provide a 'loan' device whilst they inspect it for repair or replacement.
24 Jan 2025 06:27 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@Flossy2696 Is this the same phone you had previous issues with? If so then it will be well outside of its warranty(your previous thread was from 2022) and Sky would charge for any repairs that are required to fix it.
If it's a different phone then what is the make and model? And how long have you had it?
25 Jan 2025 07:06 AM
Different make and model (I have two phones with sky the 2022 phone is know out of contract yes )
this phone I've had since March /April last year it's an iPhone mini 13 - I spoke to Sky in June/july and again in October about this fault and they told me I'd have to send it in .
what they aren't understanding is I do not have a spare phone as my previous phone doesn't work .
25 Jan 2025 07:09 AM
It's from around March /April last year still in contract till next year .
the issue isn't the lack of a loan phone . It's how I was treated when I brought up the issue several times with them .
Apple also where very unhelpful .
My phone is my only source of communication and I can not afford to get it repaired third party and I will not pay the remainder of the contract off on a broken phone
25 Jan 2025 07:23 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreYou can't decide to withhold payments because your device has a fault but you won't send it in for examination and repair.
25 Jan 2025 07:32 AM
I'm not withholding payments .
what i said was im not paying the remainder of the contract off in one chunk of which is what SKY suggested I do and they also suggested while I do that I buy a new phone from them to replace it which would be nearly £400 with what I need to pay off on the contract
I have paid my monthly phone bill and will continue to do so .
all I wanted was advice but I now , know sky will just make me pay for the repair which I can't afford right know and that was all I was asking
25 Jan 2025 07:34 AM
It's not I won't send my phone off I just can't send my phone off because I don't have another one . If I had a spare and could afford a spare I would
25 Jan 2025 07:42 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreHi @Flossy2696 if you have only had the phone since march last year then it's still under warranty. That's not to say the fault will be covered but it may be. Unfortunately sky dont provide loan phones so if you want it assessed to see if it's a warranty repair you will have to send it in. There isn't a way around this.
25 Jan 2025 07:47 AM
Thank you for putting it in a way I can understand .
Sky told me it wasn't in warranty but I checked and I only got the phone last year i remember because it took several attempts for them to deliver it .
They kept saying I'd need to just pay it off or send it in and kept being really pushy about paying it off . They then ended the conversation on me when I said I'd need to look at my options on it
I want to send it in it's just the issue of getting a spare phone because I had to pay my other Sky phone off as couldn't afford both
25 Jan 2025 11:41 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Flossy2696 wrote:Thank you for putting it in a way I can understand .
Sky told me it wasn't in warranty but I checked and I only got the phone last year i remember because it took several attempts for them to deliver it .
They kept saying I'd need to just pay it off or send it in and kept being really pushy about paying it off . They then ended the conversation on me when I said I'd need to look at my options on it
I want to send it in it's just the issue of getting a spare phone because I had to pay my other Sky phone off as couldn't afford both
Can you not just get a 2nd hand £10-20 old Nokia 'burner' type phone that makes calls and sms whilst you get the phone repaired. You can live without Apps for a while ?
25 Jan 2025 11:46 AM
Not an option due to my job as I don't have a laptop and all my work files are on my iPhone
if I could afford a laptop I'd get one yes
25 Jan 2025 01:26 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Flossy2696 wrote:Not an option due to my job as I don't have a laptop and all my work files are on my iPhone
if I could afford a laptop I'd get one yes
@Flossy2696 That leaves you one option then, you will have to pay a local independant repair company to look at and if possible repair the phone(which will invalidate any remaining warranty), Sky cannot do anything to help if you cannot or will not send the phone back for them to investigate and repair.
25 Jan 2025 01:45 PM
I'm trying to source a temporary phone.
Thank you for all the advice
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