Discussion topic: Virgin Channels make annoying popping sound on Sky Go (PS4)

This message was authored by Clareridds This message was authored by: Clareridds

Re: Virgin Channels make annoying popping sound on Sky Go (PS4)

Hi @SeanFreeman


Sorry that the chat hasn't worked as expected. It might be easier if you call and can speak to someone and help get a diagnosis instead of waiting on the chat. You can reach someone on the details below:







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This message was authored by Clareridds This message was authored by: Clareridds Answer

Re: Virgin Channels make annoying popping sound on Sky Go (PS4)

Hello all,


Our product lead has found a potential solution to this issue.

It seems that the issue occurs on the old "TV from Sky" app on PS4. However, we have developed a new Sky Go PS4 app which is currently undergoing trials. I would reccommend you sign up for the PS4 Sky Go trials and begin using the new app, but to note, it's still in its trial phase and may not be flawless, but if you encounter any issues, please let me know. 


The link to sign up to the trials is below: https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Community/INVITE-Playstation-4-Sky-Go-Trial/ba-p/4335054


Many thanks,



Community Manager


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