Discussion topic: Sky Go temperamental issue, "2001"

This message was authored by KentCCC This message was authored by: KentCCC

Sky Go temperamental issue, "2001"

Hi all. First post please be gentle.


Is anybody else having problems with Sky Go yesterday / this morning? Live TV is refusing to stream 95% of the time on both my devices. Yesterday @8AM,the F1 would stream to my phone but not to my tablet; middle of the day neither device would get beyond "Preparing" then "0%" and the little spinny circle before "There was a problem playing this content, please try again. Error [2001]" after several minutes. Then at the end of the day my phone worked (after three attempts) but the tablet continued not working; this AM back to an eternal wait at 0% and then the same error message on both devices.


I have logged out/in on both devices and also uninstalled/reinstalled on both devices; and there is nothing wrong with my WIFI which I am almost sat on top of. Discovery+ continues to stream fine on my computer, only Sky Go is affected/afflicted on my phone and tablet.


Any ideas?