Discussion topic: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

This message was authored by DisgruntledF1 This message was authored by: DisgruntledF1

Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

Hi, why does sky go not allow us to watch catch ups/on demand F1 sessions?  Missed the qualifying live as was staying away in UK. Had a free couple of hours so I thought I would catch up.

Only allowed to download to my sky box!! WTH?  There was no way to watch it on the go.

My colleague had a fire stick he paid £80 for the year! (I'm paying £150 a month!), and we watched the sky qualifying on that on demand.

Why on earth are the illegal streams providing a better service to the content than us legitimately trying to support the sports?

Sat there glad to watch the qualifying but also extremely furious that £1800 a year to sky is shown up by a dude with a hooked fire stick!


Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

With the Sky Go ap even though the content could well be there it doesn't mean that it can be watched via the app itself which is what appears to have happened in this case and the usual reason for this is due to right restrictions.

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

With the Sky Go ap even though the content could well be there it doesn't mean that it can be watched via the app itself which is what appears to have happened in this case and the usual reason for this is due to right restrictions.

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
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This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DisgruntledF1 wrote:


Why on earth are the illegal streams providing a better service to the content than us legitimately trying to support the sports?


Presumably because, being provided by criminals, they aren't restricted by petty legalities associated with distribution rights for particular content.

* * * * * * *

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BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
Topic Author
This message was authored by DisgruntledF1 This message was authored by: DisgruntledF1

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

Understood, but my god it makes Sky look like the criminals.  Taking an enormous amount of money and not giving us access to the content on demand.

This message was authored by best+of+the+best This message was authored by: best+of+the+best

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DisgruntledF1 wrote:

Understood, but my god it makes Sky look like the criminals.  Taking an enormous amount of money and not giving us access to the content on demand.

Can't understand why you say that the Sky Go F1 catch up service is appalling based on one Qualifying race only available to download and not watch on demand

If you missed the scheduled race wasn't it available to watch later on via the Sky Go app


Not sure what the issue is seeing as you can Remote Download to the Sky Q box via Sky Go but each too their own I guess.


This message was authored by LoneWolf4716 This message was authored by: LoneWolf4716

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

it's not just 1 session though its every practice, qualifying and race every weekend

just now the itallian Gp was today the qualifying and full race isnt available but the highlights of the race are which for a fan is ridiculous.


This message was authored by TheDrownedApe This message was authored by: TheDrownedApe

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

What a nonsense response. 


How is downloading to our Q box helpful if you are away from the house for the weekend. Please try and not enflame annoyed users with comments like this.


I'm in the same boat OP. Away this coming weekend and will miss the whole event if I can't watch it live.  Why pay for the content if I can't catchup on the app?

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@TheDrownedApe wrote:

What a nonsense response. 


How is downloading to our Q box helpful if you are away from the house for the weekend. Please try and not enflame annoyed users with comments like this.


I'm in the same boat OP. Away this coming weekend and will miss the whole event if I can't watch it live.  Why pay for the content if I can't catchup on the app?

Does Sky Q not have the ability to record F1, So you can watch it when you get back home?????? Why must it be watched live?

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This message was authored by TheDrownedApe This message was authored by: TheDrownedApe

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

Did you even read the thread? another excellent "superuser".  No one wants to watch it live, we want to watch it at our convenience on our tablet/phone whilst away from our home.


I'm away for a week and it will have plenty of time to watch the FP, Qualy and GP in the early hours of the following morning. However Sky won't let me even though i have a subscription and have reocrded the programmes on my box. THIS is the issue. 

This message was authored by True.Scotsman This message was authored by: True.Scotsman

Re: Sky Go appalling F1 catch up service.

I agree! Sky Go is useless IMO. The only reason I have Sky is to watch the F1, which means I pay a ridiculous amount of money to watch 1 channel.


I usually don't have time to watch it live, so I record it on my sky box and watch it later which is fine. 


If I'm away for whatever reason all I can do is "TRY" to watch it on Sky Go. I've tried this multiple times with no joy. The Qualifying and Race are only available to download to Sky box. THEY ARE ALREADY RECORDED 🤬 !!!


I don't want to watch practice sessions or highlights I just want to watch some of qualifying and the whole race. I pay over the odds to watch it because Sky have the UK TV rights. They have ruined F1 for casual viewers! The BBC, Channel 4 and even ITV (with adverts during the race) did a better job!




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