Discussion topic: sky go & sky glass

This message was authored by Cometleeds This message was authored by: Cometleeds

sky go & sky glass

I thought that after sky glass added profiles that you could continue to watch programmes on other devices however if I have watch a episode on Sky glass , when I use my iPad using Sky Go there is no indication which episodes I have already watched. 
To make it worse if i have watched episodes on Sky , Sky glass doesn't know surely they should sinc episodes ?

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This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat Answer

Re: sky go & sky glass

@Cometleeds wrote:

I thought that after sky glass added profiles that you could continue to watch programmes on other devices however if I have watch a episode on Sky glass , when I use my iPad using Sky Go there is no indication which episodes I have already watched. 
To make it worse if i have watched episodes on Sky , Sky glass doesn't know surely they should sinc episodes ?

Sadly Sky Go has no link whatsoever to Sky Glass. 

Many customers have been requesting the ability to add shows to the playlist via the Sky Go app since Sky Glass launched over two years ago but it has never materialised and we have no idea if it ever will. 

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