14 May 2024 06:12 PM
Since I had dky glassmy tv keeps freezing where the circle goes round on the screen
14 May 2024 06:15 PM
I have sky broadband I have sky glass and since I've had sky glass my TV keeps freezing with the little circle guy round
14 May 2024 06:17 PM
@Trevor+Edmonds wrote:I have sky broadband I have sky glass and since I've had sky glass my TV keeps freezing with the little circle guy round
This would suggest a problem with your broadband connection to the TV.
How is it connected? WiFi or ethernet?
What speed is the TV receiving?
To find out open the Netflix app, navigate to the get help menu and run a network check.
14 May 2024 11:35 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreHi @Trevor+Edmonds welcome to the forum. One of the main reasons for freezing is the quality and speed of the WiFi signal being received at the TV/puck and not that being received at the router. This can be checked with the Netflix App (Get help > Check network). The minimum speeds recommended by Sky are as follows:
HD = 25mbps
UHD = 30mbps
HD + 1 puck = 30mbps
UHD + 1 puck = 35mbps
The important thing with Wi-Fi is to have a stable signal as both Glass and Stream are susceptible to problems if there is any signal fluctuation or interference. For this reason an Ethernet connection is usually better than WiFi as it maintains better stability. If you try an Ethernet connection don’t forget to turn off WiFi in Settings / Network / Advance settings.
If this is not practical (as in my own home) then you could consider Powerline Adapters which are about £35 on Amazon. Don’t waste money on a Gb model as Glass and Stream Ethernet ports only support 100mbps.