Discussion topic: TV won’t stay on when I have HDMI leads inserted. If I have my PS5 plugged in or Amazon fire stick

This message was authored by Ben9511 This message was authored by: Ben9511

TV won’t stay on when I have HDMI leads inserted. If I have my PS5 plugged in or Amazon fire stick

I have my PS5, Nintendo switch and fire stick plugged in my too my telly. They always have been. But today my tv started turning on and then off again after a few seconds. The sky technician told me it was a fault with my PS5 but it has started to do it with the other devices now too. 


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This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: TV won’t stay on when I have HDMI leads inserted. If I have my PS5 plugged in or Amazon fire sti

Sky technician ... do you mean a Sky Customer Service agent?


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