Discussion topic: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

This message was authored by GB35 This message was authored by: GB35

Re: Lip sync issues sky glass

I had the same issue with the Man Utd Man City game, also very laggy. The commentators were in front of the actual programme knew Man City scored before the ball went in the net.. normally I turn the tv off and back on or change channels and then back again. But it's happened to me a few times this week.. so annoying 

This message was authored by Norcliffe This message was authored by: Norcliffe

Re: Audio out of sync since new update ARC

I have the same issue with Sky Glass 55" and Bose Soundbar and Subwoofer, it is fine to begin with and drifts out of sync, the audio becomes ahead of the video, it just creeps forward??


Call to support today...


when was tge last update as mine is set to auto, I noticed it from mid/late. November...

This message was authored by Mr+Flibbles+86 This message was authored by: Mr+Flibbles+86

Re: sound out of sync

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there @Jimmy7062. I’ve escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this. 

Just look out for the colourful bubble to start the conversation.

Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147

This message was authored by Suzi10547 This message was authored by: Suzi10547

Re: Lip sync issues, black screens, waiting for programme to load

I also keep getting synch issues. I always rectify it by changing channels and switching back again but this is less than satisfactory. I do sometimes have loading issues as well.

This message was authored by Grumpync This message was authored by: Grumpync

Sound / Picture Sinc.

Anyone suffering from sound sinc when programme finnishes and changes to following programme on same station? Have found changing to another station everything is ok, change immediately back, all ok.

Have upgraded to Sky Max as suggested by Sky help. No change . Sky engineer has visited and checked signal is strong where sky glass tv is situated. No interference from nieghbours system etc. 

F1 is terrible always going wayout. This is a "Known about problem, which is being worked on. " apparently.

Starting to think I was better off with my old ten plus year old tv with dish and sky Q.

Thought the whole idea was " no cables put it where you want". Sales checked we had a strong enough wi fi before I signed the contract. 

Broadband engineer agrees it must be down to the Tv as system is fine.

Are sky selling us duff kit, that is not up to the sales splurge?

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Sound / Picture Sinc.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Grumpync wrote:

Sales checked we had a strong enough wi fi before I signed the contract. 

They probably checked the broadband speed arriving at the address: that's absolutely not the same thing as WiFi coverage within the property.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Sound / Picture Sinc.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



On ongoing issue for many users ... has been escalated see thread below 




@lettice can you merge please 

43inch Gen 1 and 55 inch Gen 2 Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks. Virgin media M350 hub 5x. Four sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by TaYNWA This message was authored by: TaYNWA

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

I get this issue after every advert on all channels, changing channel up or down and back resolves it until the next ad break. SKY SORT THIS PROBLEM!!!!

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Yes they blame it on your WI-FI supplier not high enough Wi-Fi signal, they don't tell you that when you buy the sky glass tv

This message was authored by Grumpync This message was authored by: Grumpync

Re: Sound / Picture Sinc.

Actually checked all round the house, fitted pod,in one week area, in one bedroom which is the largest distance from the router. 
Seems to me Sky Glass technology is not up to the sales pitch. Would help if the visiting engineers were believed by the phone tech people. False sales pitch if Ethernet hard wire from router to Tv is required. Had more reliability with my ancient Panasonic. 

This message was authored by Lincoln+Imp This message was authored by: Lincoln+Imp

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Had this issue today during the spurs vs Man Utd game as well as throughout the last month or so - makes it unwatchable, close to cancelling.


The real sickner is the lack of support, no wonder people have dodgey sticks.

This message was authored by Zoltron This message was authored by: Zoltron

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Sky tried to blame it on my WiFi. I said absolutely not possible.


I've got a 264meg connection with Virgin which is going in the next 20 days, But also got a 2gig BRSK service and get 2gig up and down which is faultless.


The Glass TV and Puck are both connected via Ethernet. But WiFi wise I have 3 x TP-Link EAP772 access points which are WiFi 7 capable but I only have them running as WiFi 6 access points for compatibility. They are all meshed with an OC200 controller and routed with an ER605 Router and JetStream Switches, so my network at home is not a problem.


Sky are just getting desperate.


I've bypassed the complaints team and wrote an email to the chief executive as I'm fed up with this. Just have to wait and see if they contact me.

This message was authored by amagluglug This message was authored by: amagluglug

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Let us know how that goes, just happening again on live tv after ad break so annoying and no fix from sky!!

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Yes I feel they are not taken us seriously 

however they mentioned my WiFi was too low as I have BT  that the top is 43-50 bps and seemingly that's not great for sky glass so I'm going with Trooli With 500 bps on fibre as I'm on copper and will only get a max of 43bps so hopefully that should fixe it so it might be worth investigating what your wireless up loads and down loads are👍

This message was authored by Colin.Sc This message was authored by: Colin.Sc

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Absolute b0ll0cks. Mine is plugged in via ethernet to 900Mbp fiber. They're just fobbing you off. 


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