Discussion topic: Sky glass keeps turning itself off

This message was authored by EmmaBarnes This message was authored by: EmmaBarnes

Sky glass keeps turning itself off

TV keeps turning off on its own, sometimes after 10 minutes sometimes after a few hours. And YouTube keeps going black but the sound keeps going- then you have to press something and it comes back on.


motion sense is off.


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky glass keeps turning itself off

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

regarding turning itself off, are you referring to when the TV is idle for example you have paused a show or you have just left it on the Home Screen or is this when you are actively watching a show and it's turning itself off?

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Topic Author
This message was authored by EmmaBarnes This message was authored by: EmmaBarnes

Re: Sky glass keeps turning itself off

I'm actively watching a show and it's turning itself off

This message was authored by Julia29 This message was authored by: Julia29

Re: Sky glass keeps turning itself off

Whilst watching TV it turns off, not standby mode but completely off


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