Discussion topic: Sky customer looking to upgrade to Glass 65

This message was authored by matttyp This message was authored by: matttyp

Sky customer looking to upgrade to Glass 65

Hi all I currently have Sky Q with Multi room in 2 rooms and been with Sky for over 15 years just wanted to ask whether Sky Glass is worth buying right now, I've have heard rumours of an updated model coming soon but not sure how true that is. I'd hate to get one now and have a new model launch in a couple months etc. 

My TV is getting ready for a replacement tbh and I thought rather than pay out for a new set why not go for a Glass.

Also how many of the Streaming pucks can I run from one Glass TV.


Thanks for your time 


All Replies

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky customer looking to upgrade to Glass 65

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

You don't need a streaming puck for a sky glass as the puck is essentially built in to the Tv.


in my opinion buying a Glass TV is a complete waste of money. The sets are based of nearly 4 year old hardware components and they weren't exactly the best components 4 years ago. You can certainly get better and more modern Smart TVs buying a proper branded TV for the same or cheaper price.


If you are interested in the sky streaming platform then just buy a new Tv and sign up for Sky Stream.


its worth noting none of this is an "upgrade". The sky streaming platform isn't an upgrade on Sky Q it's a completely different platform that doesn't utilise satellite dishes and is essentially the future of TV broadcasting.  It's completely different as everything is steamed via the internet and you can't record shows and keep them forever like you can do with Sky Q. Not every customer is ready to move to a streaming platform yet as it is different and comes down to personal preference.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Sky customer looking to upgrade to Glass 65


The Glass & Stream puck hardware is now over 2 years old and has not been updated at all in that time yet the price has actually increased. 
You are much better off buying a cheaper, better quality and more versatile smart TV and attaching a Stream puck to it. 
The fundamental thing you need to think about is whether you have the broadband infrastructure in place to support Sky's streaming service in the first place. It's very different to Sky Q and is not seen by many to be in any way an upgrade. It's different. Just because it's newer it doesn't make it better. 
Do some more research before you make any decisions. If Q works well for you then maybe just a new smart TV is all you need. There are some excellent deals around at the moment on TVs which are much better specified than Sky Glass for a lot less money. 

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Sky customer looking to upgrade to Glass 65

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

read a few articles and watch a few YouTube videos and check if the streaming platform is for you ....

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.
Topic Author
This message was authored by matttyp This message was authored by: matttyp

Re: Sky customer looking to upgrade to Glass 65

Thanks for the quick responses guys, I am aware of course that it's a streaming service and no longer requires a dish etc, that was one of my only worries if Internet drops out the TV is essentially an expensive paperweight at that point lol. 

I'm on a Full Fibre 900 package atm with BT so speed shouldn't be an issue, but if the tech inside the TV itself is really that dated I'll probably go down the road of just keeping Q and buying a new TV. Thanks again really appreciate your help 


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