Discussion topic: Sky Glass wakey wakey

This message was authored by Red+Silence This message was authored by: Red+Silence

Sky Glass wakey wakey

Good morning..


The other day I assumed my remote was on the blink as it had failed to connect to the TV on a few recent occasions.

Sky sent me a new one which was working perfectly well, but I think I've identified a problem.

The TV will not wake up to turn on (of a morning) with the remote.

The only fix is to power the TV up via the side button, then everything works well until the process repeats itself in the morning.

I have all voice automation turned off, so I can only do a vocal command by pressing the mic button on the remote..

Any ideas??

Best Answers
This message was authored by krduke This message was authored by: krduke Answer

Re: Sky Glass wakey wakey

That's correct. 

I had over night power saving disabled in QS023 and didn't have the issue. 

once the TV updated to QS24 I enabled it again and has been ok since (touch wood)

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Red+Silence This message was authored by: Red+Silence

Re: Sky Glass wakey wakey

Just to add, 

2 remotes, same issue, so we can rule that out.

And I've rebooted the TV by turning it off at the mains several times.

I've tried the current suggestions throughout the threads and wouldn't post unless I was confident this was something curious, new, or I'm missing something obvious..


This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Sky Glass wakey wakey

Have you re-toggled the power saving options off?

Exiled in HH
Topic Author
This message was authored by Red+Silence This message was authored by: Red+Silence

Re: Sky Glass wakey wakey

I'll give that a go and report back thankyou.

This message was authored by krduke This message was authored by: krduke

Re: Sky Glass wakey wakey

I had this issue until I disabled over night power saving and the issue went away.


Since the QS024.011.00P update I have re enabled the power saving and have not seen the issue on thata version.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Red+Silence This message was authored by: Red+Silence

Re: Sky Glass wakey wakey

Thanks, are you saying that you disabled then re enabled the overnight power save in the latest version and the issue has been resolved now?

(Keeping overnight power save on)


This message was authored by krduke This message was authored by: krduke Answer

Re: Sky Glass wakey wakey

That's correct. 

I had over night power saving disabled in QS023 and didn't have the issue. 

once the TV updated to QS24 I enabled it again and has been ok since (touch wood)

Topic Author
This message was authored by Red+Silence This message was authored by: Red+Silence

Re: Sky Glass wakey wakey

Thanks for the replies. Sincerely appreciated 🙏


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