Discussion topic: Sky Glass Playlist Disappeared

This message was authored by DH78 This message was authored by: DH78

Sky Glass Playlist Disappeared

My playlists have disappeared.


It says I haven't added any programmes yet but I have loads across 2 playlists.


Going to Manage also shows no items as added.


It was fine earlier this evening but now everything has gone. 

Best Answers
This message was authored by AndrewF_UK This message was authored by: AndrewF_UK Answer

Re: Sky Glass Playlist Disappeared

Could you try giving it a restart and seeing if it comes back?


  1. Go to Settings
  2. System management
  3. Resets & updates
  4. Restart device

Perhaps related, my playlist is a bit slow to load tonight so perhaps there's an issue on Sky side. But to reassure you, when there's been blips like this in the past they came back and nothing was lost. 

Sky Stream customer. Past user of Sky Digital, Sky+, Sky+ HD and Sky Q.

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