22 Mar 2024 05:51 PM
So a common issue I'm starting to experience is that my Sky Glass will not power on at times. It's probably happened three times in the last week and generally happens after a period of inactivity. The only fix is to pull the power from the TV altogether.
Just got off the phone to tech support and got told that it may be because of the WiFi channel my router may need changing and at time rebootings. I confirmed twice that allegedly this will stop my TV powering on, that can't be right surely?!?!
22 Mar 2024 05:55 PM
The same advisor is now asking me what I do for work and that working from home is the best thing to come out of Wuhan!!!
What on earth?!
22 Mar 2024 06:18 PM - last edited: 22 Mar 2024 06:19 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
So a few questions and things to try:
When powering on are you trying with the remote? What happens when you try the button on the side? There was an issue with firmware on the remote not waking up the TV. An un-pairing and repair can help with is.
Some settings changes can help with an issue where the TV wasn't coming out of deep sleep. If you go into settings and go to start up and standby, turn Networked standby mode ON and overnight Power saving OFF.
And lastly if you don't feel the call handler was professional etc you can make a complaint here: https://www.sky.com/help/articles/how-to-make-a-complaint
22 Mar 2024 06:20 PM
Thank you for the reply. I'll admit, I clean forgot there was a power button on the side! Will give that a go next time as the next instance won't be far away I'm sure.