‎17 Jan 2024 04:10 PM
So some small progress in my Discovey saga.
I can now log into Discovery+ on my laptop and watch the shows.
Currently still not working on Sky Glass or pucks. Tried resets, refreshes, factory resets but no joy.
Hopefully its just a time thing and it might work tomorrow morning.
‎17 Jan 2024 04:22 PM
So I must have been a bit too hopefull.
I can only watch the "Free" shows on the laptop. Can't watch them on Glass or pucks so still waiting
‎17 Jan 2024 08:00 PM
Have you seen thw Answer on the Stream pages?
‎17 Jan 2024 10:58 PM
What is the solution in the stream page?
if it is activate account then I have done all that. I have refreshed everything. Done factory resets. Still no joy.
I can't unlink my current discovery+ account. That needs to be done by Sky
‎17 Jan 2024 11:09 PM
@jay11111111111111111This is what they said.
Posted by a Sky employee
Hi Everyone
Thank you for your patience whilst we worked through this problem.
This problem is now resolved, however if your device is still having trouble, you can complete these steps to recover.
This process will sign you out of your TV apps and reset personalised settings that you may have changed. Once you have completed the process, you will be able to sign in to your TV apps.
‎17 Jan 2024 11:11 PM
Probably best to look at the latest comments. I'm waiting till tomorrow at least.
‎17 Jan 2024 11:12 PM
Thanks for that. I seen that earlier and tried it. Didn't help but my issue started before this fault.
I can log in to discovery my account is linked I just can't watch any programs.
spoke to discovery and they have said Sky need to fix it. Spoke to sky loads but they are no help.
‎21 Jan 2024 12:38 PM
We have the exact same issue. Spent hours with Sky, still no result. Watched D+ one day and then it was like we had been switched off. We can log in, pick a show, click on the episode and "you need to upgrade" pops up. Spent over a hour today with a very helpful guy, unfortunately the issue has been sent to the back office again since everything on his screens (and ours) says it should work. 😞 somewhere there must be an ability to reset an account!
‎21 Jan 2024 12:50 PM
Sounds exactly like my problem. Had it sent to a "back office" function twice.
they were meant to call me back but never bothered so I had to raise a complaint to get them to speak to me again but still no joy with them.
from speaking to discovery it is Sky who need to sort it as they are the actual account holders as we get discovery through Sky.
‎04 Feb 2024 11:59 AM
Hi, I cannot seem to find system management., despite following your instructions. I'm on SkyQ. I think the problem is that the discovery+ offer via sky was initially only for 12 months. they subsequently extended this to be free for as long as you have sky q, but the system was not automatically updated, so most people's discovery+ does not recognise them as sky customers and continue to give them access to discovery+ standard.
Can someone at skyTv please fix this urgently.
‎22 Feb 2024 11:21 AM
So still no joy with the Discovery+ problem.
After raising a few complaints and me having to chase sky all the time all they keep saying to me is that I must have used a wrong email address which I know I haven't as I spoke to Discovery and they confirmed the email address is the correct one.
What I have resorted to doing is having the Discovery account deleted by Discovery and am going to see if I can try sort it out this way as my accounts should no longer be linked.
What I think has happened is when I changed from Sky Q to Sky Glass the Discovery account was deleted, I signed up for the new one on Marketplace and it never linked properly. There is no way to retry and link so having to see if deletion will work.
‎24 Feb 2024 09:12 AM
We have now been told that there is an ongoing issue with Sky and Discovery+. It is being looked into but there is no timeline for resolution...
‎10 Apr 2024 02:35 PM
Anyone had any luck sorting this out?? I have skyq and I'm having the same problem I've been on the phone to tech support, very nice lady tried to help but seems adamant that you only get it free for a year!! Gave up trying to explain 🤯
I'm assuming from what I've read that the problem is I've had the free for a year offer now it's an on going offer it just keeps saying to upgrade pass.
‎10 Apr 2024 02:57 PM
I have never heard or seen anyone able to get this problem sorted.
sky told me that this is very rare but by the amount of posts on here it is obviously not.
it must be something to do with renewal dates etc but sky are to blind to see this even when you tell them.
they won't talk to discovery about it and discovery need them to action things to sort it.
once you have selected discovery from marketplace and it doesn't work sky say they have no way of reversing it and allowing you to try again.
one solution that might have worked was to cancel your whole subscription and re start but then you might lose any offers you already have.
total shambles.
‎10 Apr 2024 03:16 PM
Thanks for the quick reply!
Yes it seems like a lot of people spending hours of their life that they'll never get back and problem is still not resolved 😤