Discussion topic: SKY Glass/Puck remote

This message was authored by Jamietax This message was authored by: Jamietax

SKY Glass/Puck remote

Trying to steup, I note you need to pull the paper strip to get the batteries to work. Done this, bot paper wripped.

Try taking back off, paper still stuck in the batteries. Trying to get it out with tweezers , think I've done it but can't see how to remove batteries. Remote stil not working but not sure if I've put it back together correctly. Is this a know fault with the papper?

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This message was authored by Skull+Treaty This message was authored by: Skull+Treaty Answer

Re: SKY Glass/Puck remote

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@Jamietax wrote:

Yes I had to take it apart to get to the papper stuck in the battery, I don't think it was design for that. Be interested to see what SKY say as either these  batteries are super long lasting or you will need a new remote when they wear out. As I say, if you look at the battery caseing its design so you can't get them out and I don't think you can by these batteries. 

All very odd! thanks for your help


They are AAA batteries, you're seeing them from the other side of the remote though. Your pic is looking at them from the top (buttons)  removed. The base (no buttons) is the bit that slides off (although can be difficult the first few times) to access the battery chamber to change them.

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