Discussion topic: Not so smarter Sky Glass? Without package. Adding Cube.

This message was authored by Biggles123 This message was authored by: Biggles123

Not so smarter Sky Glass? Without package. Adding Cube.

I cancelled Sky TV subscription on my Glass a year ago (cost and frustration with sky marketing).  I thought I was still paying for a Smarter than Smart TV, but no, it's a poor TV although a good monitor.


So I tried to re-subscribe to SkyTV - there is no option unless you buy another Glass!


So I am going the Amazon CubeTV route (like a big AppleTV puck) and will plug into HDMI.


But...I still can't get live TV channels because the Glass DTV tuner is very sensitive to aerial signal quality, so what is the best way to get streamed Freeview?  I am thinking a DVTR with Freeview built in, and pass in into the HDMI in on the cube.


Anyone else in the same boat? 


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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Not so smarter Sky Glass? Without package. Adding Cube.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Biggles123 wrote:


So I tried to re-subscribe to SkyTV - there is no option unless you buy another Glass!



Did you call? I don't believe that's the case

Topic Author
This message was authored by Biggles123 This message was authored by: Biggles123

Re: Not so smarter Sky Glass? Without package. Adding Cube.

Well I didn't call Sky to re-add, as it was at night, but I looked everywhere online to do it and it's not an option listed.

So I gave up and bought a Cube.


But need to activate Atmos and check if I play Atmos audio via HDMI that it will work.



This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: Not so smarter Sky Glass? Without package. Adding Cube.

If you ring sky you can resubscribe  to the streaming  


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