Discussion topic: Netflix black screen

This message was authored by ELK2012 This message was authored by: ELK2012

Netflix black screen

Our Netflix shows as a black screen and only way we can get it working is to switch everything off, it's happening frequently now. Anyone have a permanent fix for this please?


All Replies

This message was authored by Tintree This message was authored by: Tintree

Re: Netflix black screen

Just switched from Q to Stream and all apps work fine. Except the Netflix app. When trying to launch the app or play a Netflix program the screen just goes black. Running OS 1.1

This message was authored by Tintree This message was authored by: Tintree

Re: Netflix black screen

Unplugged the power cable for a few minutes and Netflix now works! Shame there is not a reboot option.  😞

This message was authored by Spiderman8 This message was authored by: Spiderman8

Re: Netflix black screen

I'm having the same issues. Only got the new Sky Stream puck yesterday and already had to unplug it 3 times to get Netflix to work. Seems to work fine the first time entering the app, but exiting, going elsewhere, then re-entry causes a black screen with the current sound source in the background (eg. TV). Running latest 1.1 OS as part of updates when setting up the device. Wired ethernet. Not the best first impression...
This message was authored by SurbitonMaple This message was authored by: SurbitonMaple

Re: Netflix black screen

Had the same issue for the first time the other day, and found that by unplugging the puck for a couple of minutes and then restarting, all was fine. Hasn't happened since, and hoping it won't happen again!

This message was authored by Zoe+Bambridge This message was authored by: Zoe+Bambridge

Re: Netflix black screen

Same issue here. Having to reset the tv multiple times a day if I watch Netflix then change to something else then come back to it. Are Sky even working on an urgent fix for this?

This message was authored by daveredski This message was authored by: daveredski

Re: Netflix black screen

Ditto here - mid-November '23. Rec'd my Sky Glass and all is good barring Netflix with the dreaded black screen and deadly silence. I've not got a Sky puck as it's all in the box, now. Netflix has worked but now I have to go in via a Kindle Firestick.


Is it bandwidth? I am running at about 34mbps with an upgrade due.


Has no one found a solution to this problem or is it the old off then on again solution?

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Netflix black screen

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Have you tried an App refresh, its possible your Netflix app isn't up to date or is corrupted in some way.


Settings > System Management > Resets & Updates > refresh apps. This process is not instant and is carried out in the background so don't expect an instant solution.

Sky Stream user. Former Sky+ HD and Sky Broadband customer
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This message was authored by daveredski This message was authored by: daveredski

Re: Netflix black screen

Sadly this doesn't seem to have any effect. I tried it last night and apps appeared to have been refreshed as the screen returned to 'refresh' from 'being refreshed'. Trying it again in the cold light of day....nada!


OK, so then I returned to what another user said about the old power off/ on approach and it worked!


I can't say for sure if you required both things as I did this in that order but both seem sensible regardless!

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Netflix black screen

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Yeah its always good to try both method the App refresh and the reboot.


The issue is that the Glass/Stream pucks are essentially mini computers and its possible some of the apps can go into a "crashed" state which generally a reboot will fix.


What would be useful is if there was an easy option to see what apps were open on the Glass/Stream and be able to actively force them to close. Which would actually be an easier fix than having to pull the plug out or kick off an app refresh.

Sky Stream user. Former Sky+ HD and Sky Broadband customer
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This message was authored by Buttery_Ken This message was authored by: Buttery_Ken

Re: Netflix black screen

@MarkGoldsmith wrote:

What would be useful is if there was an easy option to see what apps were open on the Glass/Stream and be able to actively force them to close. Which would actually be an easier fix than having to pull the plug out or kick off an app refresh.

100%. Like the Amazon Firestick and Apple TV boxes allow you to do. The regular 'off at the wall' reboots you have to do with Sky Stream are becoming tiresome. 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Netflix black screen

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

The other option for Sky is to upgrade the hardware. Slightly more beefier specs on the puck and Glass, whilst they won't properly solve the issue may at least mean people won't have to reboot as often as they are.



Sky Stream user. Former Sky+ HD and Sky Broadband customer
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This message was authored by daveredski This message was authored by: daveredski

Re: Netflix black screen

FYI - I don't have a Sky puck which I assume must be passé with the latest Sky Glass?


Thanks all for the feeback and all good to know!

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Netflix black screen

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I dont believe the hardware of the Glass has been updated since launch, and it wasn't exactly particularly cutting edge at that time

Sky Stream user. Former Sky+ HD and Sky Broadband customer
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This message was authored by daveredski This message was authored by: daveredski

Re: Netflix black screen

Does the power off button on the side of the Glass have the same effect as turning it off at the mains; i.e. a reboot?


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