Discussion topic: Need to get rid of continue watching stuff

This message was authored by AnthonyMaher This message was authored by: AnthonyMaher

Need to get rid of continue watching stuff

We need a manage all button like for playlist as continue watching is getting too big and unwieldy 


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This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Need to get rid of continue watching stuff

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AnthonyMaher  The continue watching rail only holds 20 items after which the oldest drop away.  As you mention in the title  it desperately needs is a way to delete items you no longer wish to watch.  

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This message was authored by Janeymw This message was authored by: Janeymw

Re: Need to get rid of continue watching stuff

It makes no sense. I've removed from the individual apps continue watching such as iPlayer but I am stuck with them all on my sky glass playlist. So there is nothing we can do? 

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Need to get rid of continue watching stuff

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AnthonyMaher and @Janeymw  The following is a document I made for myself as a reminder on how to remove (or at least try) unwanted or watched programmes that don't disappear of their own accord.  I made it a couple of years ago so it might be a bit out of date but hopefully it will help.   Having said that I still sometimes have problems. 


TBH this issue is the main cause of my frustration with the streaming platform. A simple delete function similar to Apple TV would be a great feature.


The most common method which generally works with Sky, Discovery, ITVX  and Disney is to select the programme from the CW rail and fast forward it to the end.  If it is a series then also run the last episode of the series to the end otherwise the next episode will appear in the CW rail.  Sometimes I have had to run through all episodes of entire series.


Depending on the App you watched from there are so many different ways to remove programmes from CW. Some you have to do on your TV and others on your Laptop etc.  I made myself a list to help me remember in the future. Hopefully this will help you as well:


Do on Glass TV:

Apple TV - select from Up Next list with a LONG press / remove

Netflix - Select from CW / remove from CW on next page

Sky, Discovery, ITVX & Disney - run programme to credits and allow to run to the end.  If a series do the same with the final episode of the series.  (It may take a while to disappear)

My5 - Go to settings and select Clear Watch History


Do on laptop:

BBC iPlayer  - CW / Manage full list (on right of screen) / remove

Ch4 / CW - go to My4 > / edit / select then remove

Paramount - Hover over programme and untick  

Prime - Go to CW rail and hover over programme for another menu select 3 dots & then hide (you can’t actually  delete)


Sometimes it can take a while for the programme to disappear and on other occasions they stubbornly remain. It's a bit of a lottery.


Good luck, I hope this helps.


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