Discussion topic: My sky glass keeps on stopping and won't play the programme requested

This message was authored by Kristofferkeeve This message was authored by: Kristofferkeeve

My sky glass keeps on stopping and won't play the programme requested

Mt sky glass won't play the programmes on continue watching, it then turns off or wants to play something random. This happens almost every day and I'm fed up with it and how my television works. I want to cancel my contract unless something gets sorted out

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This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: My sky glass keeps on stopping and won't play the programme requested

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Kristofferkeeve wrote:
Mt sky glass won't play the programmes on continue watching, it then turns off or wants to play something random. This happens almost every day and I'm fed up with it and how my television works. I want to cancel my contract unless something gets sorted out

Have you tried a restart from the settings or pulling the plug for a few minutes ?


hiw fast is your internet connection ? What speed is your glass receiving ? You can find this by opening the Netflix app... selecting get help and running the network check 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.

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