Discussion topic: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again

This message was authored by adamtaveirne This message was authored by: adamtaveirne

Live/Pause causes adverts to play again



I have an issue with my Sky Stream. I haven't paid for the ability to skip the adverts, so I understand that when I fast-forward, it slows to play the adverts. This is fine.


My issue happens after I have paused for some time, i've come back and continued watching. I've then fast-forwarded up until the adverts when it slows back to playing speed. Then after the adverts I continue to watch the show as normal. If I then pause, rewind or forward after this the adverts play again, and the show will restart from after the adverts finished originally. If I try to fast-forward back to where I was, I can't as I have to watch the adverts (which i've already seen once...) and then it just restarts again. I'm stuck in a loop so I end up having to watch what i've already seen and eventually get to where I was. I'm then unable to live/pause again until I return to live TV on another channel.


For example, I was watching the Rugby World Cup. I paused it to assist my daughter with something and return to the match. The half ended so I fast-forwarded through the talking up until the adverts. I watched the adverts and started to watch the second half afterwards. My daughter again needed me so I paused it. When I returned to resume, instead of resuming, it played the adverts again and then continued at the beginning of the second half. When I tried to fast-forward it would just do the same thing again. So I had to watch the second half again...


I  have also found that if I pause a show and continue watching a bit later, it will randomly just decide to return to live TV without warning. Doesn't seem to matter if it's 10 seconds or 10 minutes. It does this all the time.


Is this something that's going to get fixed as it's extremely frustrating!






All Replies

This message was authored by Addie15 This message was authored by: Addie15

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there, adamtevereirne. I’ve escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this. 

Just look out for the colourful bubble to start the conversation.

Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147 

This message was authored by Addie15 This message was authored by: Addie15

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again

Posted by a Sky employee

Update-We are closing this session now due to no further response within 48 hours. If you still need help, please let us know, so we can re-escalate this for you. Thanks.

Topic Author
This message was authored by adamtaveirne This message was authored by: adamtaveirne

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again



Sorry, it's still doing it! The initial big issue I raised of the adverts repeating whenever I pause live/pause hasn't happened, but the second issue of live/pause just returning to live whilst we're watching is still happening regularly.



This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

What channel are you watching when it's doing this "bringing you back to life".


Ive seen this once before and on an ITV channel so I'm wondering if it's a bug related only to ITV live streams or is more general. 

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Lisa-P1987 This message was authored by: Lisa-P1987

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again

Posted by a Sky employee

Thanks for chatting to us @adamtaveirne . Unfortunately, there was no further response on the chat in 48 hours, we are still waiting to help you. If you need our support let us know and we can re-escalate to our chat team. Your chat has been closed now. Thanks


Lisa - Sky Tech Team Expert
Topic Author
This message was authored by adamtaveirne This message was authored by: adamtaveirne

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again



This is happening all the time now. Both the issue of live/pause going back to live on its own and the adverts repeating whenever you rewind.


Can I re-open this please.



This message was authored by Technaudio This message was authored by: Technaudio

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again

I also have this issue, it's the second most annoying thing about the sky stream, after the horrible rubbery remote control.

ive just rewound about 30 seconds of a program, now I have to watch (at least) 5 minutes of adverts, again.

Topic Author
This message was authored by adamtaveirne This message was authored by: adamtaveirne

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again

Yeah, this is getting really annoying now. 


There's watching the adverts again after rewinding or forwarding even a small amount.


There's the fact that the live/pause will go back to live at random.


I have have to admit, after years of being with Sky, the Stream product is easily their worst. I'm really unhappy with it and wish I could go back to old Sky+HD.

This message was authored by GB28 This message was authored by: GB28

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again

I had all of this yesterday. I tried to watch 15 minutes of recorded live football and lost least 10 minutes to adverts. FF a little, adverts. RW a few seconds, adverts. Hit pause, adverts. It is the most unpleasant viewing experience I've ever had. I rather scrap the subscription now and go back to BT/EE unless Sky can sort to this out quickly.

This message was authored by LewisR This message was authored by: LewisR

Re: Live/Pause causes adverts to play again

Hello all,


I am having the same issue, and have had it since I purchased Sky Stream 8 months ago.


Catching up on F1 Qualifying this morning, which was on my playlist, and the experience of watching this type of thing was frustrating.


The show was >2hrs long, but wanted to skip forward until the action actually started around an hour into the programming. I can fast forward, and have to watch every single advert break (I think its ridiculous to have to watch approx 15 minutes of adverts just to get to where you want). When I skip forward within a segment between adverts, and then hit play, I need to watch the previous adverts all over again, before it cuts to the part I want. If I was a company, I would purchase ads here, because you are getting 3x the exposure than what you have probably paid for.


This problem was made worse when the fast forward function wouldnt even register within such a segment, so I either had to watch programming I didnt want to, or restart the programme all over again (more adverts).


I would not mind if they just started the show with X mins of adverts for catch up shows, then just let us have full fast-forward/rewind functionality.


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