Discussion topic: Live football constantly freezes

This message was authored by Rich901 This message was authored by: Rich901

Live football constantly freezes

I pay extra for sky sports prodominantly to watch the live football on the sky glass tv, which I can never watch without the stream pausing and freezing. Other live tv works perfectly fine, and Iv resorted to watching live games on twitter on my laptop as the stream is much better!  For the amount I pay, it's really frustrating and I'm considering just getting rid of sky sports altogether. It would be nice to know if anyone else has experienced this/ has a solution.


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This message was authored by Rich901 This message was authored by: Rich901

Re: Live football constantly freezes

...oh and its also the case for any live football on bbc, itv and channel 4

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Live football constantly freezes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Rich901 wrote:

I pay extra for sky sports prodominantly to watch the live football on the sky glass tv, which I can never watch without the stream pausing and freezing. Other live tv works perfectly fine, and Iv resorted to watching live games on twitter on my laptop as the stream is much better!  For the amount I pay, it's really frustrating and I'm considering just getting rid of sky sports altogether. It would be nice to know if anyone else has experienced this/ has a solution.

Hi @Rich901 

If you are streaming live TV onto a Glass TV then I assume you do not have a Sky Q subscription.

I will move this thread to the Sky Glass forum.   If in fact you have Sky Stream then I'm sure someone can move it to Stream.

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Live football constantly freezes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


As you state you have Glass I'll move your post to the appropriate board.

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