Discussion topic: Link tv error

This message was authored by Thvgy54 This message was authored by: Thvgy54

Link tv error


We reset our tv because it was stuck on a loading screen now it wants us to link our account and has given us a number but when I go on sky.com/activate on my phone I get an error message and it says to call sky so I called sky and then the automated message said they sent me a text to a link to help, which goes through to here.


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: Link tv error

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

So factory resetting can cause this issue where your TV service doesn't get unlinked from your account and you therefore can't relink it. (because you account thinks it's linked when obviously the TV isn't because it's been reset).


You need to phone Sky to get this resolved as the customer services agent will need to raise this with Skys backend team. You need to ignore the automated phone system when it tries to send you to the forum, usually it asks if the link it's sent has help to which you just reply "no" and you should be able to continue. You can also stay quiet on the phone and it would put you in the queue for an advisor.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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