Discussion topic: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

@Jporch316 wrote:



She didn't say no profiles but she was reading out to me what is actually on the software development to do list ( I was quite surprised she was so open, but we were discussing the system openly and I think she understood where I was coming from) and it was a long list.


The Profiles if released now would just throw another complication in the mix. What was said is they are down for release "this year", it could be in a month or so but it could be........


Maybe a Sky employee can confirm?

This message was authored by Jong99 This message was authored by: Jong99

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

My Sky Puck is fine as a way of getting UHD Sky shows, which Now does not have and without reverting back to Q ( which I had 2016-2020). Also, does a fair job of offering full-fat iPlayer (with UHD). But, all it's  loftier ambitions are best written off for at least a year, it sounds!

Sky Stream and 2nd puck, LG OLED65G2, Yamaha RX-A3060 plus Harmony Elite and Harmony 900 controlling the 2 pucks.
This message was authored by CardiffMan1992 This message was authored by: CardiffMan1992

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If profiles really isn't anywhere near ready than there PR staff really need sacking and guttering completely that department as that was heavily promoted last year as a feature that would be coming soon. I truly would not want to be a Sky Tech person at moment either taking customers calls about stream or dealing with what is clearly a OS which needs overhauling.


It's a joke that you need to update your subscription even exists that's really a very basic thing of any system.


Maybe i am truly thick but what is so hard about setting up a link on films that are in half like a series link ?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

This in the Express


Personalised Playlists was due for release at the end of 2022 but this blockbuster upgrade is now being readied for release this year.


This update, which has been available on services such as Netflix and Disney+ for some time, is what many have been waiting for as it will offer users the option to be served up new and existing content that suits their specific viewing tastes.


Once live, families will be able to set up their own profiles which basically means parents won't be bombarded by cartoons when they settle down for an evening's viewing and kids won't be shown anything that might be inappropriate for their age.


Sky users can also create their own unique avatar which makes it easy to switch to a profile each time the device is switched on.


There's no exact release date for Personalised Playlists but Sky has told us to expect more news to be announced soon along with some other exciting new upgrades.

This message was authored by CardiffMan1992 This message was authored by: CardiffMan1992

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Yeah they have put that out as damage control they jumped the gun way to early to not even give a vague date like Q1/Q2 says it all. I really like the concept of Stream but that's it to me it still feels like a concept they are trying flesh out.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......



I'm not so sure that it isn't ready, I guess it's not but with all the other issues around Playlists and CW rail the introduction of profiles will add fuel to the fire.

This message was authored by CardiffMan1992 This message was authored by: CardiffMan1992

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



That's not the point i'm making it's clear there PR and Tech Departments are not talking with each other properly. You don't put out a big press release which they did with Profiles and then delay it and not even give a vague release date that just shows poor planning. The fact they are still bug fixing basics over a year after Glass OS has been out is a bit of a joke.

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


they need to start throwing money at it and fast 


more developers more testers 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims. Pretend guitar aficionado .. rock on!
This message was authored by CardiffMan1992 This message was authored by: CardiffMan1992

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Yeah they only have 5 years left of Sky Q at rate there going they might just have Stream/Glass fixed by then.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

Let's not forget there are some positives and we will each have our own. Picture quality sells it for me.


However, Stream is not cheap, Sky is a premium service, Sky is No.1 in pay TV services so they should be getting it right. It feels rushed.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

@Jporch316 they can throw money my way to test it rather than me paying them to test it as I do now!

This message was authored by d2h This message was authored by: d2h

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

@Jporch316 wrote:


they need to start throwing money at it and fast 


more developers more testers 

They don't have money to throw at it due to the amount they ended up paying for Sky after Disney threw their hand in. They have developed the entire streaming side of the business on a much smaller budget than one would expect. Sadly, the biggest impact of this is on the customer because it's clear upon real world use that the product and hardware are not as premium as the prices being charged. 

This message was authored by jas2000 This message was authored by: jas2000

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

@CardiffMan1992 why is there only five years left on Sky Q. Was thinking of reverting back to Q and was going to give them a call tomorrow.



This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Could be five years could be longer - to do with new satellite licenses and costs etc 


far cheaper to bash tv out over the internet than blast satellites into orbit (or at least rent satellite space off others ) 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims. Pretend guitar aficionado .. rock on!
This message was authored by jas2000 This message was authored by: jas2000

Re: I've had my conversation with Sky and.......

Oh well five years is enough maybe they will have a new glass out by then.


Thought satellite might have been given a boost with all the new satellites they keep launching up there. 


Does this effect freesat as well then. Hope not the inlaws live remote and have no useable Internet and only get around eight channels through the aerial.






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