Discussion topic: I have connected my new Streaming Hub to my Glass TV but unable to access any channel -m

This message was authored by lou+lou+D This message was authored by: lou+lou+D

I have connected my new Streaming Hub to my Glass TV but unable to access any channel -m

Unable to get into any channel on my Glass TV - even BBC One stating I have to upgrade my subscription. ???


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This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: I have connected my new Streaming Hub to my Glass TV but unable to access any channel -m

Do you  mean you have  connected  a sky puck to your  sky glass  tv, 

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: I have connected my new Streaming Hub to my Glass TV but unable to access any channel -m

Streaming Hub - do you mean Sky BB Hub (router)?

Have you changed your ISP?


Have you updated your BB settings on the Glass TV?

Topic Author
This message was authored by lou+lou+D This message was authored by: lou+lou+D

Re: I have connected my new Streaming Hub to my Glass TV but unable to access any channel -m

Yes .. I think that's what you call it - it's a small black box connected to my Glass TV

This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: I have connected my new Streaming Hub to my Glass TV but unable to access any channel -m

Then it's  asking  you to subscribe  to the whole home by the sounds of it  as the puck is to be used  with any other tv, you just need to plug an arial  into the back of the glass tv 

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: I have connected my new Streaming Hub to my Glass TV but unable to access any channel -m

Sky Pucks are intended for connection to Smart TVs not Sky Glass TVs😉


There is no need to attach a Sky Puck to a Sky Glass TV🤔


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