Discussion topic: Glass stand

This message was authored by Rainloz This message was authored by: Rainloz

Glass stand

Very angry how Sky treat me 

I reported that 55" glass is not straight 

it's leaning to left ( lower )

After much interrogation and gestapo techniques l am beaten 

I didn't think be problem 

First male guide said believed tv would be swapped ( I had mention issues with tv itself ) but he was using stand as collateral 

It didn't work out I was refused and whole attitude changed 

Told I had tv long time ( under 2 year )

So what I expect ?

Told could be bolts 

They can come loose 

Doubt that and no 

Then to employ outsider to fix 

Use FB which isn't safe imo too many cowboys 

I don't have anyone to help me 

 Very poor customer service even if they say they don't do such things 

Thanks sky  take our money I been good customer and it stinks 

The stand 

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This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat Answer

Re: Glass stand


Lodge an official complaint via one of the methods listed here:


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This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat Answer

Re: Glass stand


Lodge an official complaint via one of the methods listed here:


Topic Author
This message was authored by Rainloz This message was authored by: Rainloz

Re: Glass stand

Thank you 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Rainloz This message was authored by: Rainloz

Re: Glass stand


Sky didn't provide much needed help

Just blamed customer for problem  instead of brainstorming it 

Was told it would be the bolts loose on tv stands back plate ( not case )

Told we can't ski not our problem 

Why only now have u noticed it ?

Must be bolts !!!

Wouldnt accept / listen to reason 

Made to feel criminal 

Put me off sky somewhat 

Put me off sky glass purchase in future 

CS is paramount to me 

Sky have left loyal customers in lurch 

Poor support and lip service 

Off agents that don't care 

Horrible experience all round 

Lucky for me BT guy confirmed that bolts secure and TV slanting to left 

Then l got very good assessment from a reputable local firm to see if he could resolve issue 

Far more help than Sky without any fuss 

He found the issue quickly and simply 

A rubber bung / spacer was not in correct position 

He managed to correct it with no problem 







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