Discussion topic: Flickering picture

This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Flickering picture

@David164 wrote:

Yes that's correct exactly what i was on about. I was playing this off ITVX which is itv's newest streaming service they are offering. Not sure about the speeds would have to check this and get back to you. 


In the meantime here is a video i got from a show called Deal Or No Deal this time on the TV where the same thing is happening with what i call flickering graphics. If you look at the back wall the red background as Rochelle is opening her box there are lines going through the graphics. 


Yeah as @Jones_The_Cat says, the displays they use are poor and look like they are made up of lots of small blocky screens to create a large display but I can't see why you'd only just be seeing this. There is a lot of image compression too but I expect that's to do with your sampled video clip settings. 

Is this a video of your TV screen now?

If so it looks like your have the picture mode in Vivid. Makes everything unnaturally bright, contrasty and oversaturated. Try changing your tv  picture settings to mode Standard or Basic.

Im just getting this info from the manual of your TV that I downloaded. I've not had on hand experience with these LG TV's. But many settings are similar across brands.

Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast
Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

That's a valid point you could be right there. So i take it that it isn't my tv itself ? It's the graphics that are being put up in the studio itself. would it help if i was able to change resolution on the tv to see if that makes this less noticeable ? 

I never noticed this at tall before only recently has this caught my attention since moving from Virgin. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

I have asked a few friends and family if they notice this but they don't see it when they watch the shows seems to be just me! I agree with image compression that's something i hadn't thought of but looking back at the clips myself now it does look apparent. 

The second video i took from a catch up of the show on sky stream this wasn't taken from a show that is being broadcasted live now. 

Yes correct i have it on vivid at the moment will play about with settings and try it on standard like you say to see what happens thanks

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

@Paul+Dray I just changed the picture setting to Standard and went back on the Deal Or No Deal show to the point i showed you on the video and it's still occuring it's actually more noticeable if you change to standard.

This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Flickering picture

@David164 wrote:

@Paul+Dray I just changed the picture setting to Standard and went back on the Deal Or No Deal show to the point i showed you on the video and it's still occuring it's actually more noticeable if you change to standard.

Something else to check on the TV itself..


While viewing something on sky stream, on the TV itself go to: Settings menu, General -> External Devices -> HDMI Deep Colour 


What have you got this set to? 4K or Off etc.?

Try changing the setting to see if it improves the problem you are noticing on your programme.

Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast
Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

Got this set to 4K. What should this be set too ?

This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Flickering picture

@David164 wrote:

Got this set to 4K. What should this be set too ?

It depends really. Being set to 4K in combination with a connected Sky Stream Puck it may be causing issue. Try setting it to off to see if that improves things. So much easier to fix these things actually in person especially with the amount of settings on TV's these days to deal with multiple formats etc.


Another setting to look at:

Settings menu: Picture  -> Advanced Settings -> Colour -> Colour Gamut

Options are:-


Auto Detect


Adobe RGB


Whats this currently set to?



Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast
Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

I can see that this is set to Native but won't let me change anything though most of the settings are higlighted in white this one is grey and won't let me view other options you are mentioning 

This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Flickering picture

@David164 wrote:

I can see that this is set to Native but won't let me change anything though most of the settings are higlighted in white this one is grey and won't let me view other options you are mentioning 

Think Auto Detect is the recommended setting generally.

Certain  settings can sometimes enable or disable the option/ability of changing some other settings.


Settings menu -> Picture  ->  Advanced Settings -> Brightness  -> Motion Eye Care

Having this setting On can do that apparently.



Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast
This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F

Re: Flickering picture

Posted by a Sky employee

@David164 wrote:

I have asked a few friends and family if they notice this but they don't see it when they watch the shows seems to be just me! I agree with image compression that's something i hadn't thought of but looking back at the clips myself now it does look apparent. 

The second video i took from a catch up of the show on sky stream this wasn't taken from a show that is being broadcasted live now. 

Yes correct i have it on vivid at the moment will play about with settings and try it on standard like you say to see what happens thanks

Hi @David164 

I’ve escalated your post to Sky and the Messaging Team may get in touch with you later.

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This link explains the Community Messaging process.

Community Moderator
This message was authored by Addie15 This message was authored by: Addie15

Re: Flickering picture

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there! Thank you for escalating this. We have sent an invite to David164.

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for that. I'd appreciate this because it's getting to that stage now where we are really struggling to find a solution to this, Even though some people on here have been very helpful and gave great advice and tips that i've tried none of them have fully helped solve this. Thank u for explaining this process will be sure to look out for this later on and i will reply ASAP. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

Recieved the invite. waiting for a reply from someone now 🙂 

This message was authored by Lisa-P1987 This message was authored by: Lisa-P1987

Re: Flickering picture

Posted by a Sky employee

Update - Spoken to @David164  and after some checks and tests, we have determined that the flickering the customer is seeing is down to the video display on the games shows. 

It is a fault of bright lights, video on the sets and camera angles causing what looks like flickering on certain parts of the video display. The customer checked on a new tv, their computer, we checked on tv's on site, at our own homes and on Sky Go and the same "flickering" is present every time. 
Thanks to everyone involved on this thread, sadly it is just down to the game show set's and how video content is often displayed on these types of shows. 


Lisa - Sky Tech Team Expert
This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Flickering picture

Thankfully I can't bear Gameshows so I don't have this problem 😋


I don't understand however why you're only seeing this now @David164 must have been on Virgin too as you say you also see it now on your computer.


Oh well at least you've delved more into your TV picture settings.

Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast

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