Discussion topic: Any skyglass user having an issue with internet access ,

This message was authored by laursma This message was authored by: laursma

Any skyglass user having an issue with internet access ,

Came home for skyglas tv saying no internet, reset and redo password and still saying no internet access.. but I can get internet on phone and iPad streaming to other tv 

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This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1 Answer

Re: Any skyglass user having an issue with internet access ,

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@laursma  I have this from time to time, it last happened about 4 days ago.  To sort this out I do the following:

Put Glass to Standby and then unplug both your Glass TV and router.  Leave for a couple of minutes and then plug your router back in and wait for it to finish rebooting.  Once it has rebooted plug your glass TV back in and when that has also rebooted it will hopefully have connected to the internet.


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