Discussion topic: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

This message was authored by Mark+Bisson This message was authored by: Mark+Bisson

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

No you don't.


"While not yet in UHD, we do now subtitle 100% of programmes on all Sky Cinema and Sky entertainment channels."


just went to watch Ferrari no subtitles!


please respond, think g of cancelling Sky because of lack of subtitles in SKY Cinema

This message was authored by AWHARR This message was authored by: AWHARR

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@KevNewMedia don't you think it's a bit disingenuous to state an "answer" for something in progress which is not yet completed (and by a long way, your statement is factually incorrect as well).


Official answers to forum threads should only be used for "closed" complaints or closed solutions which have been resolved. That means customers no longer need to follow a thread and it can be archived.


This thread is a million miles away from that!



This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AWHARR wrote:

Official answers to forum threads should only be used for "closed" complaints or closed solutions which have been resolved. That means customers no longer need to follow a thread and it can be archived.

Or, as in this case, so that the current position can easily be found. The marked answer will, no doubt, be updated when further progress has been made.

This message was authored by JRAC This message was authored by: JRAC

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Mary and George. Produced by Sky, broadcasting in all formats UHD,HDR but subtitled ONLY in HD. I can't find words to express my dissatisfaction with this. But look: if you watch Formula1 or Football in UHD there are subtitles. I just can't with this. 2024 already Sky. What's the problem with this? 

This message was authored by AWHARR This message was authored by: AWHARR

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes



Until some bright spark archives the thread because it is incorrectly believed that the thread is closed and answered...... no I don't trust anyone these days. Threads should NOT be marked as answered until FULLY resolved.


Deaf people are sick to the back teeth of being discriminated against and by only subtitling half of the Sky service yet being asked to pay the same as hearing customers, it's talking the mickey.


This is why Sky Glass  is useless for deaf customers.... because only the BBC and some of the Sky content has captions on Catchup..... if deaf customers moved to Glass then without any recording faciity which usually records all captioned programmes at the time of airing, there would be no option to watch any programmes missed. This is the sort of thing that is not factored in and once again deaf people are left to sample the breadcrumbs of the banquets prepared for hearing people.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AWHARR wrote:

Until some bright spark archives the thread because it is incorrectly believed that the thread is closed and answered...... no I don't trust anyone these days. Threads should NOT be marked as answered until FULLY resolved.

Well that's for Sky to decide. They manage the Community, including any decision to archive a thread.. However, it's entirely sensible that the post marked as the Answer should provide the latest position, pending a full solution, so that it can be found easily.

This message was authored by AWHARR This message was authored by: AWHARR

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@Mark39 with all due respect I disagree with you. The thread is NOT answered because today only half of the platform is captioned and that includes the issue with UHD broadcast.


Using the Answer facility to provide only the latest position in ANY thread on here is misleading and sets an expectation that there is nothing else to be done.


Sure... its Sky decision on how they run this just like its their decision to leave deaf people out. Until that is fixed in full.... this thread is not Answered period.

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I notice that when forum staff mark posts as a temporary answer they now mention that its temporary and has been marked as the answer to allow customers, particularly those viewing the thread for the first time, to see the information immediately rather than having to read 100+ posts to find a relevant reply. I agree with @Mark39 It is how long running posts are marked and probably acceptable to most people. 

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AWHARR wrote:

@Mark39 with all due respect I disagree with you. The thread is NOT answered because today only half of the platform is captioned and that includes the issue with UHD broadcast.


That's OK, we don't have to agree. It doesn't matter as Sky is the arbiter anyway. You could express your view to one of the Community Managers via PM?

This message was authored by AWHARR This message was authored by: AWHARR

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@Daniel0210 then it would be better to have a 'formal' temporary answer facility so that the thread doesn't get mistakenly archived.

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I don't disagree with that. That's probably why more recent threads have had words in the answer to the effect of 


"I've marked this reply as the answer to make it easier for customers to see the latest information and it may be edited at a later stage"


or similar. 


▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
This message was authored by AWHARR This message was authored by: AWHARR

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@Mark39 no worries ...  you would hope that someone from Sky is taking notice.... thanks

This message was authored by Chloe900 This message was authored by: Chloe900

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Hi all

i raised a formal complaint about this as many of us have- got a really lovely lady who said she had no idea why there was no subtitles and there was no way she could find out (!). I was told to watch in HD... I explained I had sky glass and it was now a waste of money so I was informed to turn off the Dolby uhd package. Then the complaint was closed! No resolution, no explanation. Really disappointed with Sky

This message was authored by WestLondonerSW5 This message was authored by: WestLondonerSW5

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

With our contract drawing to a close in May we've made the decision to serve a 31-day cancellation notice. The lack of subtitles on UHD content has been a major disappointment and a clear oversight in accessibility. Initially when we discovered this issue at the start of our 18-month contract, we thought there was a problem with our Sky Stream puck. The idea that subtitles wouldn’t be available in 2022, especially with an additional charge for 4K quality, seemed implausible. After lodging a formal complaint, we were told that Sky was looking into the issue, but no timeline was given for when subtitles would be introduced. Fast forward to almost two years later, and there’s still no progress, with Sky seemingly trying to keep this issue out of public view. We see no justification for continuing to invest in a company that overlooks such a basic accessibility feature, which should be a given in today’s world. It’s completely unreasonable.

This message was authored by Daniel+Baker This message was authored by: Daniel+Baker

UHD Subtitles

How come virtually nothing in UHD, besides live sports, has subtitles? My Dad needs them otherwise it's pointless him watching.  I'm paying for something that I can't use very often. 

All of Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Paramount have virtually everything in UHD. 

Please Sky take note and remedy, it can't be too difficult to overlay the subtitles info from the HD version. 


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