Discussion topic: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

This message was authored by Nockulus72 This message was authored by: Nockulus72

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Out of summer 2023 and still no update. There are people who still care about this and need it. Why pay for uhd when majority of content that's in uhd is unwatchable if you need subtitles?

This message was authored by mbcparis This message was authored by: mbcparis

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

I've been requesting this for years and still no subtitles in UHD / HDR on demand content.  It's so bad..  

This message was authored by ADRIANBROADBENT This message was authored by: ADRIANBROADBENT

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Seems your just kicking the can down the road,not acceptable from sky ,your letting us and yourself down as I love everything else about sky ,sort it out please.

This message was authored by WestLondonerSW5 This message was authored by: WestLondonerSW5

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@KevNewMedia wrote:

We have a project in progress to improve subtitle coverage across our content, and this includes subtitles for On Demand UHD content. This is expected to be available to customers from Summer 2023.  While not yet in UHD, we do now subtitle 100% of programmes on all Sky Cinema and Sky entertainment channels.

It is now autumn.




Have the decency to give us, PAID CUSTOMERS, an answer! In 2023 this isn't something we should be asking for, especially when paying £700+ a year for your services. It's absolutely outrageous, shame on you Sky! 

This message was authored by gsdfgfb This message was authored by: gsdfgfb

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

£700??   Some of us have total packages paying out even more.  We get subtitles as a matter of course from Disney and TNT yet Sky seem to hve stopped investing in the product.

This message was authored by CristianM This message was authored by: CristianM

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

For me is hard to understand why the same UHD movie on Sky Cinema have english subtitle on live and immediately after end of live it doesn't.  

This message was authored by Salvospe This message was authored by: Salvospe

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

First they said it would happen before summer 2023, well summer is gone and still nothing happened! Unbelievable, liars!

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


What @KevNewMedia actually said was

@KevNewMedia wrote:

This is expected to be available to customers from Summer 2023.  


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This message was authored by Salvospe This message was authored by: Salvospe

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

I don't know who this person is, this is what they told me when I called them

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Salvospe wrote:

I don't know who this person is, this is what they told me when I called them

Always take anything a phone agent tell you with a pinch of salt


BTW, kevnewmedia is a Sky forum community manager and is a better source of info than the phone people 🙂

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Salvospe This message was authored by: Salvospe

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

I didn't know that, that's good to know.


Hopefully they'll arrive soon, it's not right to pay more for UHD content and not being able to use subtitles. 


Not to mention that EVERY OTHER platform ( NETFLIX,PRIMEVIDEO, DISNEY+) have been offering UHD with subitles for a long time.

This message was authored by Nockulus72 This message was authored by: Nockulus72

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

That must be one heck of a "project". The answer was posted in Dec 2022 and it's almost a year on. You would think seeing activity in a thread almost a year old they could at least some kind of update on the progress of the project.

  I don't think it's unreasonable for the community members who have taken time out of their say to post here to expect some communication from a Sky employee who is familiar with the project.

  I mean I'm pretty sure Sky wouldn't accept for me to say I expect to pay my bill sometime in summer 2024. Just saying.

This message was authored by WestLondonerSW5 This message was authored by: WestLondonerSW5

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Is there a way to get in touch with the technical team at Sky to get some answers about this? (removed)



Moderator note: removed unnecessary comment

This message was authored by Salvospe This message was authored by: Salvospe

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Dear SKY, instead of removing unnecessary ( in your opinion ) comments, fix this problem, which is embarrassing! You are the only platform who doesn't have subtitles in UHD on demand content! The solution is not ignoring us and removing comments from people complaining!

This message was authored by WestLondonerSW5 This message was authored by: WestLondonerSW5

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@Salvospe wrote:

Dear SKY, instead of removing unnecessary ( in your opinion ) comments, fix this problem, which is embarrassing! You are the only platform who doesn't have subtitles in UHD on demand content! The solution is not ignoring us and removing comments from people complaining!

They've actually been doing the same on social media! They remove comments of users complaining about the lack of subtitles on UHD content. I swear I saw one earlier under their Instagram post and now it's gone!!


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