Discussion topic: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

This message was authored by Moira61 This message was authored by: Moira61

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

@caesarome Many thanks for the suggestion. I have tried to add the sky.com email to the outlook app, but it seems to direct me straight back to yahoo which in turn takes me to sky.com and account suspended. An endless cycle with no escape. 

This message was authored by jayach This message was authored by: jayach

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


If you use the  Outlook app, and don't select "not yahoo" (i.e. you say it's a Yahoo address) It should bring up the OAuth challenge from Yahoo.

If you can't pass that. it seems like it is Yahoo rejecting you, but as you have no  contract with Yahoo, it will be Sky who will have to resolve it..

This message was authored by Moira61 This message was authored by: Moira61

Sky email suspended

I am getting a message from Sky saying by email is suspended by Yahoo and I should contact them to have it unlocked, each time I try log in. Doesn't matter which route I use to log in, message is the same. I am being passed around the houses, it's a week now. Have tried numerous resets and hours of frustrating phone calls. No success so far and I'm starting to lose hope. Sky doesn't seem to care or take its responsibility to protect my email correspondence seriously. There was another post last week about this. Wondering if it's a wide issue or if anyone can suggest anything. Thanks 

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Sky email suspended

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Moira61   I have merged your post to this existing thread that is discussing the same issue for continuity.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky email suspended

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Moira61 judging by the relatively small number of posts here reporting this issue, I don't think it's widespread. 


I've only seen this recently and I suspect it's a new problem which may be why Sky apparently haven't established what's causing it, and therefore how to fix it. I'm afraid all you can do for the moment is to pursue it with Sky, perhaps by raising a complaint if you're not getting anwhere: https://www.sky.com/help/articles/how-to-make-a-complaint

This message was authored by Moira61 This message was authored by: Moira61

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

I wanted to provide an update on my suspended email account which has been going on for 2 weeks. I have been calling daily, passed around countless departments, probably spending 15-20 hours in total on the phone. At each stage I'm being asked to change my password and told that it looks fine from their end. But whatever has been tried, when I log in I'm directed to the sky 'your account is suspended by yahoo, call sky to reactivate' message. About 5-6 days ago one of the technical team agreed that they would need to escalate to Yahoo for assistance. I was promised a call back after 3 days, then 4 then 6. None of these call backs happened and when I chased today I was told the call back had been pushed back to Thursday while they awaaited response from Yahoo. I insisted that I speak to someone who would be able to tell me what was going on. Eventually I was told by someone who had apparently checked with the 'Leader' team that there had been no escalation to yahoo, and that there would not be, because there was no problem with the sky platform. In Sky's view it was to do with Yahoo, so end of story as far as Sky is concerned. I pleaded for help, explainingt that I needed to access correspondance relating to my daughters death, offering that I sign a waiver to enable them to access my email so that they could replicate what was happening and investigate further. They refusesd. Ansolutely heartless. The complaint that I sent 10 days ago has had no response either. My remaining options are to try to persuade yahoo to intervene which is unlikely (I have aslread approached Yahoo via social media who are reluctant to help, as Sky has full access to the platform) or to hire a hacker to help me access my stuff (which is ulikley to suceed and probably illegal)   

This message was authored by Kerrymeg This message was authored by: Kerrymeg

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

I am in the same situation but my email account was spoofed and used to contact all my contacts and some of them replied.   My account has been suspended and Sky said it would be reactivated after 24 hours but this has not happened.  I am about to contact Sky again but they really don't seem to know what to do so any help would be appreciated.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Kerrymeg what message are you seeing when you try to log in here: https://www.sky.com/signin/email

This message was authored by Moira61 This message was authored by: Moira61

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

Hi, this has been going on for me for a month now. I have literally gone round the world in call centres,changed passwords and been passed from one person to another, promised call backs which never materialised. Eventually was told it wasn't skys problem and I should contact yahoo who of course won't help as it's a sky email. . It's been a nightmare. I have finally got it escalated by reaching out on Twitter a few times and eventually it was picked up. That's over a week ago now. It's been escalated further and it seems that sky need to contact yahoo to try to resolve the issue. It seems that others (not huge numbers I don't think, but enough hopefully) have reported it too. So if you don't get it sorted you can try that. I'm happy to share details such as the complaint number if it would help. Better try the usual routes to fix it first though, but don't spend 2+ weeks doing it like I did! 

This message was authored by Kerrymeg This message was authored by: Kerrymeg

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

Thanks that's really helpful. I'm on the second day and I've been on to sky today. Currently I'm about to be transferred to someone else.  I'll let you know but done have much hope! 

This message was authored by jayach This message was authored by: jayach

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Are you sure your emaill was spoofed, and that a scanner didn't actually get access to your account? (did you reply to an email asking you to verify/update your email)

If your account was to have been used to send out more scam emails, I can understand Yahoo suspending it

This message was authored by Kerrymeg This message was authored by: Kerrymeg

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

My account has been suspended. Contact Sky. (That's a precis) 

Sky have said they will escalate and the team will take at heady 72 hours but will then get back to me. I feel I'm being fibbed off but keeping a record of interactions and of course names. 

This message was authored by Kerrymeg This message was authored by: Kerrymeg

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

No I didn't receive a request and didn't reply to anything.  If it was suspended for security  that is of course a good thing. My problem now is to get it reactivated. 

This message was authored by Moira61 This message was authored by: Moira61

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

Update, my email has been restored a month after it was first suspended!

It had been hacked and a filter address added. It had been suspended by Yahoo because after it was hacked, it had started sending out huge numbers of spam emails which were detected as suspicious. The case was eventually been escalated to the executive response team (I think that's the name) who were able to ask Yahoo to intervene and restore the account. Apparently the number of dangerous emails has mushroomed in recent years, and even though I didn't respond or click on links, sometimes just opening an email is enough. I will definitely be super-suspicious in future. I am very, very grateful. But I had spent literally weeks going round the houses, being told to change my password (numerous times),  promised call backs that didn't happen, that either there was no problem, that it was up to me to contact Yahoo and then eventually that Sky wouldn't ever contact Yahoo to try to resolve it, so basically tough luck. It was extremely stressful and unpleasant. I wonder if there is anything that Sky could do to make to process simpler for their customers to navigate. The issue is known about. However my problem is resolved. Once I got to the correct team they were able to take the appropriate action. Thanks to Allan (Sky help team on Twitter) who reacted to my plea for help, to Gwen (from the executive response team) for keeping in touch and to the very nice man who called me tonight to talk me through resetting my email

This message was authored by lizajc This message was authored by: lizajc

Re: How do I restore my email if my mailbox is suspended?

care to share the contact number?


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