30 Aug 2024 03:14 PM
When issued a permission to work on private propert form either as I was on Openreaches own E-sign platform or as Email. Do not trust the instructions on returning signed sign.
Totally let down by Openreach and Sky in processing order for upgrade to Fibre raised on 11th July. At end of July recived permission to access proporty form from Openareach which was completed and returned on Openreaches own Eletronic e-sign platform which removes need to mail back although I did send it also to the stated e-mail address on the permisson form . Since then its been a total joke between Openreach and Sky with updates via Sky from Openreach saying form has not been recived and blaming me for not sending. This resulted in a order delivery date pushed out to 25TH October. Even with the form repeadtly resent to the exact mail address in the Permission form, Openreach then after a several weeks started to issue differnet address names to send it to all never resulted in confirmation of receipt just a restating the form not recived. Fianly one address worked that appears to be a new address Openreach have created and never mentioned in any instruction ( you must have to guess it) . However even with this being their issue I i have to wait unitl late Oct for a service. Skys fault here is each agent that called that I thought was being helpful and only caught up in the middle were actually no use at all and really just saying you have done all you can and saying they will sort it but never actually did as the interaction between Sky and Openreach is rubish. Even found some cant read previosu agent snotes correctly or update them acurratly. They told me diffnerent things than were actaully true like thye had confimration form revcied early August only to be told later that was not a commnet in the notes from Openreach.
Because of Openreach and Skys issues and poor infomation and incorrect instructiosn only now will it move to next stage over a month later and with no action to speed up based on mistakes and errors in thier combine process and customer support.
Lets hope if I ever get the Fibre broadband its faster than the service and delivery process and less fault free.
Be warned dont trust the instruction on the pemrission form as they are incorrect and to the updates SKy tell you they have from Openreach.
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