Discussion topic: Wifi connection cutting out when phone rings

This message was authored by hawk69 This message was authored by: hawk69

Wifi connection cutting out when phone rings

I have a master microfilter with sep connection for landline phone and internet but when the phone rings and i answer there is major crackling on the line so  bad you cant hear the other person and the wifi/internet drops each time. Tried another older phone and exactly same issue. Help please! Do i need a new microfilter?


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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Wifi connection cutting out when phone rings

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @hawk69 

First troubleshooting steps would be to replace the microfilter and cables. If this doesnt resolve the issue then you would need to engage with Sky support so they can get Openreach to look at the line. 

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