08 Oct 2024 08:57 PM
How are you getting on with sky hub max I'm currently using Vodafone pro 2 and had no issues but contracts about finish I'm currently on the city fibre network and Vodafone 900mb
The router for Vodafone has been very good both the hub and booster being WiFi6e
I'm not sure if to go for sky 900 with WiFi Max but I hear the boosters are only WiFi 5 and I've always had a bad experience with WiFi pods
08 Oct 2024 09:54 PM - last edited: 08 Oct 2024 09:54 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Chirshyper19 wrote:
I'm not sure if to go for sky 900 with WiFi Max but I hear the boosters are only WiFi 5
That's correct, and the Hub is WiFi 6 rather than 6E
I'd also note you aren't going to get anything like that symmetrical connection with Sky or any other Openreach ISP.
08 Oct 2024 10:09 PM
One will likely be disappointed losing WiFi 6E with the clear airways on 6 Ghz with its 160 Mhz width wireless channel and the symmetrical 900Mbps connection you have currently. As @TimmyBGood states Sky only has 2.4 Ghz/5 Ghz WiFi 6 routers and Sky Max Pods which are WiFi 5 only, and their reliability won't meet your needs over what you have currently.
I'm on Zen with 900/100Mbps service with an Asus ET12 Pro WiFi 6E router. This is about the maximum one would get on the Openreach network:-
09 Oct 2024 04:29 AM
2 days on GigaFast and getting this below. 600mb is the guaranteed download so getting just above it. Is that coincidence? When I was on virgin media I had gig connection and always got slightly over a gig. Hope this improves to nearer the 900mb I am paying for. Stating to think I should have went with the 1.6gb EE connection.
09 Oct 2024 07:15 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@Markh1968 the download speeds shown on the speed history are not always accurate my Ultrafast+ connection tests at a consistently over 500Mb/s but the speed history often shows speeds as low as 300Mb/s. I queried this with Sky who are aware that the test they are using can under reads the higher speeds. Running speed tests over a fast network connection msy show a higher speed ideally use gigabit ethernet but WiFi close to the hub should also work
However be aware that your gigabit connection is using Openreach's GPON fibre network where a single 2.48Gb/s fibre serves up to 32 customers. In practice contention is rare because very few if any customers use a significant proportion of the bandwidth they buy. The 1.6Gb/s product is on the same connection which gives the absurd position that if two customers on that tier ran spedtests at the same time they would suffer contention.
19 Nov 2024 08:06 AM
Thank you for your useful post, sorry if this is a stupid question, I have sky q moving to max, is there anyway of retaining recordings on the sky q box and move them over? Is this in the instructions or do you lose everything? Thanks!
19 Nov 2024 08:35 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@Sew2204 hi I think you maybe confusing the Sky Max hub which is a broadband routercwith Sky Stream puck which is a TV service that streams from the internet?
Unfortunately Stream works completely differently than the older satellite boxes as they dont have any way of making recordings . However they have access to literally many hundred of thousands of programmes which you can find by using the voice search. What some people do is take a picture of the recordings list on their Q bix before the service is switched off ie before you plug in and activate your new service. They they then can search for the movie or show and add it to their playlist which is the way you can easily get back to things you want to watch.
There are videos on how Stream works and as I said it is very different but Infound I soon got used to it or see here https://www.sky.com/help/articles/sky-stream-faqs
19 Nov 2024 08:41 AM
@Sew2204 wrote:Thank you for your useful post, sorry if this is a stupid question, I have sky q moving to max, is there anyway of retaining recordings on the sky q box and move them over? Is this in the instructions or do you lose everything? Thanks!
Sky Q is Sky's TV service & hard drive recording box. WiFi Max is Sky's WiFi 6 router for their broadband service. If you're moving from another Sky Broadband Hub or another ISP to Sky WiFI Max and you're keeping your Sky Q box & TV subscription, the recordings on your Sky Q box will stay as they are.
On the other hand, if you're moving from Sky Q to Sky Stream or Sky Glass TV as well as moving to Sky WiFi Max, your existing Sky Q recordings do not copy over to Sky Stream/Glass and will be lost. Your Sky Stream playlists will be empty when you start the service and will fill up as you add new 'recordings' to it.
11 Dec 2024 08:17 PM
I've just received my Max hub today after switching from BT - but have Sky Q and with an internet speed that rarely tops 35Meg, stream really wouldn't work for me.
Having read through this I'm getting the gist that Q isn't going to work with my Max hub...is that correct?
11 Dec 2024 09:02 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@BigBri165 wrote:
Having read through this I'm getting the gist that Q isn't going to work with my Max hub...is that correct?
The Max Hub is compatible with a main Q box. Q Mini boxes will connect to the main Q box rather than the Max Hub.
12 Dec 2024 11:24 AM
I have successfully introduced the Sky Max Hub to my Q Box system with Superfast WiFi (Ultrafast not yet available in my location). This system supports my one minibox, but apparently it can't support more then one. My previous range extender has now been replaced with a different style of device, and all is working well. So I can confirm the compatibility of Sky Max with a Q Box based system, for anyone who is interested in upgrading to Sky Max.
12 Dec 2024 12:25 PM - last edited: 12 Dec 2024 12:25 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@greg_away wrote:
This system supports my one minibox, but apparently it can't support more then one.
That was a sales restriction rather than a technical one, and no longer applies anyway.
05 Jan 2025 03:22 PM
Mine works fine with q
05 Jan 2025 08:22 PM
That's kicking the hornet's nest 😆
24 Jan 2025 05:15 PM
I switched from the black router to WiFi Max when they offered it at contract renewal. At the present time I wished I'd left the old router and 2 extender hubs in place as they were working fine. I have a large house and the Max hub only came with one Pod extender. The WiFi range now is non existent in several parts of the house and I'm waiting some 3 weeks before an engineer comes to authorise and provide one or more additional Pod extenders. I'm not sending the old router and 2 extenders hubs back until it's proven to me that the replacement Max hub setup is at least as good as the old hub setup. If the engineer can't get the coverage they can take the Max hub back and re- setup the old one. So far not impressed.
@Chrisee wrote:I had heard a lot about the new hub that Sky were launching so I ordered Sky Max on Monday. I thought it might help others if I posted my impressions.
The order process most people can.order online my account won't allow that so I had to call Sky. It was pretty painless but if you want to add Sky Max it starts a new 18 month contract for both the Wifi Max bundle and your broadband service in my case Ultrafast +. Before I put the phone down I had emails confirming the order.
Delivery Sky used DPD whokept me informed and a large box appeared while I was eating breakfast. As with other Sky products the packaging has no plastic. The largecshipping box had a smaller box with the router, its power supply and an ethernet cable.
Setting up I actually read the included instructions and followed them. It was very easy and quick simply plug it all in and turn on the power. There is only one LED which changes colour but it went white within a couple of minutes significantly faster then older Sky hubs.
Connecting devices is simple there is a card in the packaging with a QR code you scan with a camera which connected my phone in seconds. For my Sky Glass and Sky Stream pucks the process took a little longer as you have tomuse the WPS function using the button on the side of the unit. Each unit took seconds to connect. Of coursectgerecwill be some devices that need you to type in the wifi passcode but only do that if you have to.
You can simply change the SSID and passcode usingbthe My Sky app to match your last router if you prefer which is even easier.
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