Discussion topic: Wi-Fi intermittently dropping

This message was authored by Kinseld5 This message was authored by: Kinseld5

Wi-Fi intermittently dropping

For a number of months my wifi signal has dropping early every morning, around 2am, and coming back 10+ minutes later. I know this is the case as my Nest Doorbell reports, via a notification, that it is no longer connected to the internet. Initially i thought the problem might be the doorbell, but recently an ev charger was installed at the property and that system reports similar issues, so its definitely the wifi.


The router is set up to transmit both 2.4GHz (needed for the doorbell and ev charger) and 5GHz. The router Statistics say that the System Up Time is 99+ hours but the WiFi does drop every morning, or at least the 2.4Ghz signal does, and i have logs from the ev charger to show this. Any suggestions as to what might be the cause and potential solutions?




Best Answers
This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123 Answer

Re: Wi-Fi intermittently dropping

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Sky Q boxes all have a hotspot feature which boosts the WiFi signal around your home. When set to Eco mode they will go into a low power state from 2am - 6am every night, part of this low power state is switching off the WiFi radios which would disconnect any device currently connected to it. 


Switching the box off via the remote only puts it into standby which keeps the WiFi radios switched on. 

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