Discussion topic: Unstable broadband connection

This message was authored by Dubz This message was authored by: Dubz

Unstable broadband connection

Unstable broadband connection since changing contract and broadband service as the original sky one doesn't exist anymore so sky put me on a new one. Since this we have had unstable connection, when running diagnostics everything seems and looks fine apart from stable connection says NO. Nothing has changed internally and have had sky engineers out on a numerous of occasions over the past year because of broadband constantly being intermittent and not working as expected. There has only ever been a problem with external hub (main hub sky uses for the community) 

what exactly could be causing this?


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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Unstable broadband connection

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Dubz 

Please post your router stats

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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