Discussion topic: Slow app loading

This message was authored by Mopedgirl This message was authored by: Mopedgirl

Slow app loading

I have cancelled my sky tv and returned my Q box. I have kept sky broadband and use an amazon fire stick for streaming. Since removing the q box my apps take a long time to load and buffer a lot. I have done a "test my broadband" which says all OK. Any ideas?


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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Slow app loading

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


How far away is the hub from your firestick? The Q boxes act as WiFi hotspots and boost the signal around to them your other devices. If your router is only providing a weak signal to that room and you removed your Q box you may have reduced the signal to the firestick. 

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