Discussion topic: SR203 firmware not upgrading

This message was authored by roseyp This message was authored by: roseyp

SR203 firmware not upgrading


Hi all,

My sky broadband speed has been dropping recently and now below the minimim guarantee speed of 50Mbs.  Contacted Sky help and one if the agents noticed my SR203 hub is running very old firmware.  Mine is running 5.xxxx where it the latest is  7.xxxxx. Tried factory reset etc, but cannot get the firmware to upgrade over night. Any suggestions as sky say, just wait !!! 
So, will the outdated firmware cause any issues or how can I force the upgrade ??




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This message was authored by roseyp This message was authored by: roseyp

Re: SR203 firmware not upgrading


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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: SR203 firmware not upgrading

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @roseyp 

You do indeed seem to be running old firmware for some reason. If it wont update overnight then Sky will need to replace it. If you can't get anywhere over the phone then we can escalate your post to chat on the forum. 

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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Topic Author
This message was authored by roseyp This message was authored by: roseyp

Re: SR203 firmware not upgrading

Hi @jamesn123 

been on the live chat and phone several times and got nowhere.  Got told to do a full system reset etc and that should tigger the sky end to send an update over night.  Now several days later and still running on version 5 firmware, and speeds still slowly dropping.  They just said I'm below the minimum speed guarentee so can leave if I want with no penalty 



Topic Author
This message was authored by roseyp This message was authored by: roseyp

Re: SR203 firmware not upgrading

Latest stats


This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: SR203 firmware not upgrading

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@roseyp  They are not your stats.


Could you please post your router stats following the link below.


Follow each step right to the end and you will get your stats.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by roseyp This message was authored by: roseyp

Re: SR203 firmware not upgrading

@Highlinder yes I know these are not the stats but my issue is the firmware is so out of date on the SR203 router, and will not update.   Sky have  already conceded that they cannot provide the minimum speed of 50Mbps.  So the speed stats are of little use in this issue 

Topic Author
This message was authored by roseyp This message was authored by: roseyp

Re: SR203 firmware not upgrading

This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: SR203 firmware not upgrading

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@roseyp  If Sky are not able to give you the minimum speed have they tried to fix this issue or have they said that you can leave without penalty?

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Topic Author
This message was authored by roseyp This message was authored by: roseyp

Re: SR203 firmware not upgrading

@Highlinder basically I can leave without penalty, is all Sky have said.  And my router firmware will upgrade eventually !!  Not the best service but I can't do much until full fibre is available in my area

So I don't know what else to do 



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