Discussion topic: SKy House Moving - Checking Availability Page never finishes

This message was authored by Craig_ This message was authored by: Craig_

SKy House Moving - Checking Availability Page never finishes

I have Sky Broadband and I am moving house in a few days. TWHen I click 'Moving House', the website finds my new address when I select a new postcode, but the page never finishes loading, it continually says its 'Checking Availability'. How do I move forward with this? The chatbot doesn't understand the problem, and takes me in an infinite loop of guiding me back to the 'Moving House' page!


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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: SKy House Moving - Checking Availability Page never finishes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Craig_ 

If the site doesnt work sometimes you need to call instead or we can escalate your post on the forum to chat with a Sky rep. 

I would also note that Sky usually need a minimum of 2 weeks notice when your moving home so if you are moving in a few days its very likely you will be without service for a couple weeks at your new home.

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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