Discussion topic: Poor WiFi and no PUCK connection

This message was authored by VJ3 This message was authored by: VJ3

Poor WiFi and no PUCK connection

Trying to get an answer from sky after an hour and half what's app chat yesterday this was the last message , oh and after two cancelled engineer appointments, oh and being told I need to contact them to arrange a new one I've been left on this message. Oh and I've spent a total of 5.5 hours on the phone .... oh and have been sent a puck... and made to pay WiFi max, oh and it don't work.... anyway here is oh no also got told be sent a £15 Tesco voucher ... must be with snail mail .... anyway this is the last message from yesterday after an hour and half what's app.... "*Michelle*
The engineer that is booked is for the wifi. If you have a puck issue then this might be separate however as advised I don't deal with Stream to be able to give you the correct information. I will need to check the availability of when we have visits give me a moment.".    Must be a different time scale at sky ... over 24 hours later and still waiting