Discussion topic: My Internet keeps losing connection,

This message was authored by Spurby This message was authored by: Spurby

My Internet keeps losing connection,

My wifi , keeping dropping out. It connects for 5 to 10 minutes then drops off again .. When you go on the my sky app it tells me everything is ok

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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: My Internet keeps losing connection,

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Spurby Could you please post your router stats following the link below.

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This message was authored by Debby-C This message was authored by: Debby-C

Re: My Internet keeps losing connection,

Mine is exactly the same and has been like it since last night. Rang sky and apparently no issues but I can't see how it can't be a fault their end with how many people are having the same problem

Topic Author
This message was authored by Spurby This message was authored by: Spurby

Re: My Internet keeps losing connection,

The problem with mine , started last night too. It started just after 8 pm , since then you can't use sky glass for longer than 15 minutes with out it dropping out...

This message was authored by Debby-C This message was authored by: Debby-C

Re: My Internet keeps losing connection,

That's about the time mine started. It's frustrating there is nowhere to report a fault so that they can see everyone affected and if they potentially are in the same area, you have to call to be told it must be my neighbours using the same frequency as me which is rubbish as it's been fine for 2 years. I'll be calling again tomorrow if it's still the same

This message was authored by hjiva This message was authored by: hjiva

Re: My Internet keeps losing connection,

Same issue as everyone. Can't connect anything!!! Hate sky


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