Discussion topic: Low speeds!

This message was authored by Janade62 This message was authored by: Janade62

Low speeds!

Upgraded to 500mb Broadband (as it's only been added to our village in the last couple of months), BT engineer said it should be a bit jumpy for 1st few days, maybe a week... it's being almost 3 weeks now, and it's getting lower, and lower!

Our old Sky internet was 36mb but we always got an average of 24mb, so once Broadband hit we signed up asap (we were used to 250mb Virgin before we moved house - but it wasn't available in the new home), booked a slot, cancelled... no reason, 2nd visit BT guy walked up and down the street (never once came near the door)... cancelled stating "Can't access pole/line", 3rd times a charm (abeit a month late), guy came and braodband was all sorted... yes, 500mb of gaming fun!

Only it isn't, 1st days speedtest... 143mb DL / 56mb UL. Next few days 60mbs. Thought maybe it's wifi loss. Wired up the 2 PC's, leave the mobiles on Wifi! Last week up to today? 30mbs (via speedtest), yet Sky chech on their site says we're on 417mbs, ran Speedtest on mobile 51mbs... How can a Ether wired PC be lower than a Wifi mobile in the same room???

Granted we are a fair bit away from the BT street box, but Sky is saying we have 417mbs? Someone is lying!

Sorry for the rant, but upset doesn't cover it!


Best Answers
This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood Answer

Re: Low speeds!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Openreach rather than 'BT': although Openreach Ltd is part of BT Group, it's required to operate independently of BT Broadband.


Ofcom doesn't permit 'scams': broadband is a highly regulated business sector.


500Mbs should deliver what is says (ours does).  What you need to establish is whether there's a fault in the FTTP installation which is limiting speeds, or some other factor.



* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2

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