Discussion topic: I have bandwidth issues since ive had fibre installed, normally during the day when using MS teams

This message was authored by Tome1983 This message was authored by: Tome1983

I have bandwidth issues since ive had fibre installed, normally during the day when using MS teams

 I have issues with bandwidth when a few times a day while working from home - i never used to have this issue


PortStatusTxPktsRxPktsCollision PktsTx b/sRx b/sUp TimeWANWANoE391006249326355501523133665:29:40LANUp50169562470520515521932198:57:31WLAN (2.4 GHz)Up4638334497610256470198:55:40WLAN (5 GHz)Up275061761119853971000198:55:39
