Discussion topic: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

This message was authored by Dana061085 This message was authored by: Dana061085

Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

I hope someone out their can give me some guru advice here.


All started around 3 weeks ago when we upgraded our Sky Fibre fromm 500Mbs to 900Mbs along with the new Sky Max Hub. Everything was good apart from the fact both our Sky mobiles would not connect with our Sky Talk landline, the landline would ring/register call but on answer there is no sound. I have contacted Sky about his SEVEN times now and every single time its the same questions and hoops to jump through with them saying we will "get in touch", but nothing happens. I then go through the whole  process again.


What I have done:


- Rebooted/switched off Router and Openreach box (off for 10 min) numerous times.

- Reset Router.

- New Max Hub sent out, same issue.

- Line Test, No issue.

- Taken photos of router ethernet ports and forwarded to sky, twice now.

- While on with Sky and at their request called our landline from mobile for them to analyse calls      numerous times.

- Connecting our old Sky hub up resolves the issue.

- Calling from another moble network works fine.

- Checked Firmware SR213_7.0p5s1_PROD_sey 

- Problem is with both WiFi calling and 3G/5G


Our Fibre works great with the problem being isolated to our sky mobils on incoming calls to the landline, strange thing is I can call our sky mobiles from our landline and it works fine.


Just got off the phone to Sky and the guy had no idea what he was doing with him saying he would send us WiFi boosters to see if that helped, WiFi boosters??????? really!

I genuinly believe our Sky Mobile sims in some way have been merged with the Max Hub for data gathering and there has been some corruption involved as other mobile networks work and so does the old router. I have already passed this on but no one listens, also tried requesting new sim cards but you just get passed from pillar to post with the same questions.


If this isnt solved soon we will be cancelling Broadband and Sky Talk and moving elswhere.


Thanks to anyone with some ideas.









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This message was authored by Dana061085 This message was authored by: Dana061085 Answer

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

Cancelled Sky Talk and Sky Broadband and moved to BT



I cannot hide my disappointment and anger at Sky right now. Not only did they unexpectedly close down my set up chat box to the "supposed" experts (that offered next to zero information the time I had it), they a few days after closing it implemented changes to my Max Hub (or wherever) and caused my landline to completely ignore ALL incoming calls, and they didn't have the decency to tell me they'd done it. It took us days to realise this and only because we missed a Doctors phone call appointment regarding one of our kids and a call from the primary school. Our house phone now compared to before wouldn't ring or light up or activate the answer machine but strangely it still records a missed call, this had went on undetected for about a week. At least before it was only related to our two Sky mobiles calling home, other networks or landlines could call in fine but not now.


The last conversation I had on the expert chat box I offered my assistance in testing a Beta firmware for the Max Hub as I had previously did lengthy Beta testing on Windows 10, PlayStation, Oculus and IOS and provided good feedback. All I got back was a generic "we will let you know" then the following day they cut my link, then four days after that did some changes on the line without even saying, disgraceful! No idea what kind of work was done as we only got told they had been working on it when we phoned up looking for answers a week later, friends, family, Doctors, School calls all missed.


I have now boxed up my Max Hub and reconnected my old Sky Q Hub and as expected all is working now (including our Landline) but at a reduced WiFi signal and Fiber speed, 450Mbs where before it was around 800Mbs with the Max Hub.


Sky Ive been with you for eight years and never used your customer service before as your Fiber speed actually has been really good, but unfortunately communication with your customers is paramount and the service and most of the individuals I spoke to are useless and only try and get you off the phone by saying "we will escalate this and be in touch" but never do. I have actually lost track of how many phone calls have been made to customer service over the last two months and I was even told there was no point in sending an engineer out, even though we pay for boost. Thanks!


We will be submitting a complaint regarding this and looking to be reimbursed our Sky Talk money that was still taken.


@calypsoman hope you get yours sorted but I've had enough.



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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


So this happens even when you are away from home using your mobile to call the landline?

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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Topic Author
This message was authored by Dana061085 This message was authored by: Dana061085

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

@jamesn123 Thanks for replying James and to answer your question yes when we are away we can't get through to our landline (I have an iPhone 14 and partner S23). The landline does ring and it displays who is calling but on answering all is silent on both mobile and handset. Both of our Sky mobiles just seems to be in conflict with the Max hub but like I said before I can call both the mobiles from our Sky Talk landline, the problem is specific to the incoming calls only from those two sky mobiles.

Thats what makes me think data gathering is in use here but its been corruption when it has been merged with the Max Hub.

Had our Sky mobile sims for 4 years now with no problems before, its since the Max Hub was introduced to us.



This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Dana061085 I suspect you maybe right and it is something to do with the account set up which will need Sky to sort. Tgecforum has access to a veryvexperienced Sky team who can sort most things andyour post has been escalated to them. They should be in touch soon to offer you a private chat session to get this sorted. Keep an eye on the forum as if you miss the message just click the chat icon which will be added to the forum pages for you to use.saving a long phone call.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
This message was authored by Lisa-P1987 This message was authored by: Lisa-P1987

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

Posted by a Sky employee

Thanks for escalating this. We’ve sent @Dana061085 an invite to chat.


Lisa - Sky Tech Team Expert
This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


My only suspicion was that it may have only happened when you were calling the landline while still on your home network using WiFi calling. This may have caused an issue.

However if its happening away from home I suspect its a network issue that Sky need to solve.

I am NOT a Sky Employee
Myself & Others offer our time to help others, please be respectful.
This message was authored by calypsoman This message was authored by: calypsoman

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

If you get this sorted let us know what the fault was still after 8 weeks still have same problem sky says they are still investigating the fault with a specialised team and will keep me informed not having much hope here and will ask to change mobile provider if not sorted soon 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Dana061085 This message was authored by: Dana061085

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

@Chrisee Thank you for your info and escalating this, though unfortunately I got told this around two weeks ago and never heard back. I do feel more posative this time with it being on this forum, so thanks again.


@jamesn123 There is a diffenence between the two calls though since you mentioned it. If I phone via Wifi calling in the house to my landline my Mobile after ten seconds flashes up on the screen "Call Failed". If its done away from home the call will continue past the ten seconds, either way they are still both in silence.


@Lisa-P1987 Thanks for your quick response Lisa, unfortunetly Im not long in from work and missed the cut off times. I'm off tomorrow so hopefully chat then. 



Topic Author
This message was authored by Dana061085 This message was authored by: Dana061085

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

@calypsoman No problem, will do. I didn't want to keep hijack someone elses thread every time I talk so thought it best to create my own but looks like it might pick up some traction. Heres hoping


I have a hunch that new sim cards are needed here, this may overwrite any glitches/corruption that has been caused whenever they merged our original Sky mobile sims with the Max Hub or whatever server the hub links to. The info from the new sims would now get added after and separately instead of all at once like we did.


Topic Author
This message was authored by Dana061085 This message was authored by: Dana061085

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!



Just had a chat via chat box with one of the Sky experts called Tom. I have to say I'm happy with how it went. He read over my file gave some ideas then offered me two new blank sim cards for our mobiles, as this was what I had previously requested in it and he was happy to try it. Also said the chat box link I have will remain open should there be no resolution with the new sims to then pursue background options within the router. 


Hopefully the Sims will work but I suppose its how they are linked, If its via the mobile number (which wont change) then I doubt it, but if it's via serial number, IP/Mac address there is a good chance as I think these would change per card. Anyway I'm no expert here just thowing some ideas out there.

All in all a posative start.


Will update again when sims arrive.

This message was authored by calypsoman This message was authored by: calypsoman

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

thanks for the info hope the new sims work just had another text message from sky this morning saying there are still managing the fault and will continue to update thanking me for my patience also if i get a solution will post back 

This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Dana061085 wrote:

@jamesn123 There is a diffenence between the two calls though since you mentioned it. If I phone via Wifi calling in the house to my landline my Mobile after ten seconds flashes up on the screen "Call Failed". If its done away from home the call will continue past the ten seconds, either way they are still both in silence.

Certainly sounds like some network oddity to me and I doubt it will be resolved with new SIM cards.

I am NOT a Sky Employee
Myself & Others offer our time to help others, please be respectful.
Topic Author
This message was authored by Dana061085 This message was authored by: Dana061085

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

@jamesn123 You're correct there James, recieved two new sim cards today but didn't make any differance. I genuinly thought it would've resolved the issue. 


Just about to go on the chat and see whats next. My partner wants to just cancel Sky Talk and only have our mobiles for comunication but I've always prefered a landline at home.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Dana061085 This message was authored by: Dana061085

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!



Well went on the chat last night and never got a reply back. On checking this morning there was a reply asking me to once again turn off the router for 10 min. I did this and reported that it made no differance, then I got for the third time asking to take pictures of the back of my router. This I refused and said I was tired of all this jumping through hoops because no progress has been made with regards to the last two times I sent pictures, In fact with exception of recieving two sim cards (that I requested) nothing has happened. 

The person I was chating to said he had "reached out to an expert", but I thought that was the reason for this UK expert chat box I have popping up now. I have no idea who I'm talking to now and what level of skill they possess. Anyway at 15:35 I got told once the other colleague (real expert) gets back (Greggs, toilet, Tescos...) the info would be passed to them and they will contact me so to keep checking, that was 4hrs 30 min ago and now its closed.


Compared to two days ago when I last spoke to one of the experts, today was a very poor show with zero info and time wasted.

This message was authored by calypsoman This message was authored by: calypsoman

Re: Can't use Sky mobiles with Sky Max Hub and TERRIBLE customer services!

sorry to hear still no joy i have decided to give sky till the end of june to fix this  as it will be 3 months  then i will insist on going to another mobile phone provider 


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