Sky have been pretty brave with the new UI and way of working. Sky Q was a great box, and suits many people, but by moving towards an all(ish) on-demand world, will Sky Glass give people what they want.
There were bound to be issues with the new system and software. I have the main glass tv upstairs, and a puck on my OLED tv downstairs. Like many people invested in a new TV recently, so happy to continue using that. Not used main glass TV that much, but the puck has been good and not so good. Compared to the old Sky Mini box, the puck now supports 4K, but the early software has some work to do. I’ve noticed a few issues. I get the screen going black and rewinding a second or two when it resumes. This was noticeable when watching the F1 qualifying in UHD via the Puck, when I fast forwarded through the first part and when I pressed play it went black a few times but then settled down. It also seems to have a slight issue with my home theatre setup (Denon Amp and Sony OLED TV) in that occasionally it seems to think playing audio through the TV speakers is what I’m after and loses the link to the Home Theatre speakers. I’m hoping an early software update will solve these issues.
The Play List and Play Now certainly need some work, but once again feedback from early users will hopefully drive some improvements. Likewise the Program Guide needs some work.
Recording is more of an issue. Sky have tried to become the first place people go to watch all of their video content be it Netflix, Disney, BBC etc, but by losing the ability to record all the Sky channels, and using 3rd Party Apps, you do start to wonder how much am I watching on Sky, and would I be better with Now TV and simply use the Apps on my Smart TV to watch all the other stuff. Depends on how slick they make that interface, and currently it needs more work.
The actual Sky Glass TV is a bit of a beast, but the sound is good, although picture quality not up to my Sony OLED. Also the stand takes a bit of work to put together – something more akin to the Sony stand would be better, although it seems very sturdy once assembled. Good Sky refrained from emblazing a Sky Logo on the front, and the front looks neat.
Over-all a good attempt, and should get better over time