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22 Oct 2021 02:19 PM
What exactly do you want photos of? Me smiling in front of my new Glass?
22 Oct 2021 02:23 PM
Yes, @Annie+UK but if it's cheaper then I am good with that.
22 Oct 2021 02:27 PM
@MarkyMamil wrote:Yes, you pay Sky to get ITV in SD on SkyGlass with ALL the adverts
That's a point, has anyone worked out what the FF Adverts actually does? Not terrestial catchup I'm guessing.
22 Oct 2021 02:28 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Anonymous wrote:
@MarkyMamil wrote:Yes, you pay Sky to get ITV in SD on SkyGlass with ALL the adverts
That's a point, has anyone worked out what the FF Adverts actually does? Not terrestial catchup I'm guessing.
Its for Skys own On demand stuff where the adverts are skipped
22 Oct 2021 02:28 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Satele wrote:What exactly do you want photos of?
How about the equivalent of this on Sky Glass. Programme guide showing channels 1-5 at 6pm tonight. As others are seeing gaps in the programme schedule.
TARBAT's SETUP....................Sky Q 2tb v3
Panasonic 65” GZ1500 OLED TV : Yamaha YSP-2700 Soundbar (ARC) : BT Smart Hub 2 & FTTP 900 : BT Disc
Sky Community Superuser. 26 Years Diamond VIP
22 Oct 2021 02:38 PM
@Satele you can keep the photos of you and with your TV for your friends 😀. I'm more interested in screenshots of the experiences you refuted others having at the beginning of this thread including:
22 Oct 2021 02:43 PM
Latest Youtube video from the Yorkshire guy who has been recording his impressions of Sky Glass so far.
Thought I'd post it here as amongst other things he is talking about some improvements that have been implemented recently, and a negative experience he had trying to "record" Frasier.
22 Oct 2021 02:44 PM
I stated that I hadn't experienced any gaps in the programme guide, not that a few gaps didn't exist. I also acknowledged that small gaps mainly affecting live news is obviously not a big deal and something that will obviously be rectified shortly.
Fine. I'll take a screenshot or short video of me removing something from my playlist and showing this working perfectly.
22 Oct 2021 02:51 PM
@Satele thanks, I'm sure many on here will find that useful. If you're also able to get a screenshot of your TV Guide for Channel 4 and 5 (particularly when the News is on) that would also be really helpful so others have something evidence of it working when contacting Sky about their issues of programmes 'missing'.
22 Oct 2021 03:23 PM
Perhaps many should have read this first
22 Oct 2021 03:24 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreIv also seen ability to FFW ads on all4 and ITV player which arent standard.
22 Oct 2021 03:30 PM
@S44TUH I really like your honesty in here, you don't just blindly spout drivel but you honestly review your purchase, well done👍
22 Oct 2021 04:45 PM
It seems going by the many posts and videos that sky glass is pretty restricted compared to sky sky q. It is great if you can't mount a dish and still want sky but sky q beats it hands down in terms of recordings. For many these limitations will be too much and staying with sky q is probably the better option.
22 Oct 2021 04:48 PM
Given that, it's amazing they're selling it to their most loyal Q customers first. It's like Ferrari misleading all its customers into trading down to a fiat. (OK maybe that's a bit harsh!)
22 Oct 2021 04:50 PM
There's a great example from business history of a company luring existing customers away to an inferior product... New Coke - Coca Cola's 77 Day Product Disaster
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