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01 Dec 2021 09:18 PM
Long story short. I've upgraded from the small sky q broadband router to the new boost one. My wife's pc needs to be hardwired for work and we never had issues with the old router but the new one doesn't work. For anyone know of any issue with Ethernet cables in this router. We've had to revert back to the old router while it's sorted. Everything else connects ok to the new one
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01 Dec 2021 09:22 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@DAvcal88 wrote:Long story short. I've upgraded from the small sky q broadband router to the new boost one. My wife's pc needs to be hardwired for work and we never had issues with the old router but the new one doesn't work. For anyone know of any issue with Ethernet cables in this router. We've had to revert back to the old router while it's sorted. Everything else connects ok to the new one
What happens whan you connected by ethernet to the new router? Any error messages?
01 Dec 2021 10:40 PM
Hi, no messages apart from it saying it cannot connect to the internet. If I click the network settings if flicks between being connected and not. If I plus back into old router it's perfect.
02 Dec 2021 07:47 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@DAvcal88 by default the Sky SR203 hub runs its ethernet ports at Gigabit speeds and will not connect if the cable being used does not have all 8 cores connected. Older cheap czbles often only have 4 rather than 8 cores so replacing the cable with a new one might help.
The alternative is to switch the hub to use "Fast Ethernet" which is done by typing into a browser on a connected device. Once the hub's interface loads then click on the ethernet tab at which point you will be required to log in, the user is admin and the password is the wifi password on the hub's label. The tab has the switch for ethernet speed.
02 Dec 2021 08:52 AM
Great advise thanks. I'll give that a go
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