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23 Feb 2022 05:17 PM
I'm about to return my Sky Q box but I don't have the original HDMI cable. Will I get charged for this and if so how much???? I can send another HDMI cable instead which is a much better cable, would this be acceptable??
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23 Feb 2022 05:24 PM
@Rustyoldnail wrote:I'm about to return my Sky Q box but I don't have the original HDMI cable. Will I get charged for this and if so how much???? I can send another HDMI cable instead which is a much better cable, would this be acceptable??
Don't worry about the cable. It's only the box and remote they really care about.
Make sure you keep the proof of postage.
23 Feb 2022 05:25 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
I will be honest & say I have no idea
I would think sending a cable is better than sending none.
I am sure that many people don't have the original cables to return.
My personal guess is that they may find the overheads of charging for a missing cable not actually worth it but I have no idea.
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